In this list, we offer you the best medical and hospital drama.
1- House
This is not your usual drama series, House or “House MD” follows the eccentric genius doctor “House” as he saves his patients with his skills but with bad bed-side manners.
Sarcasm is the major part of the show alongside many medical mysteries, Some doctors may not like the show, but it's great especially for medical students.
The medical cases are well-designed by team of medical specialists and consultants, but what makes it truly unique is the amount of research required to design the medical cases.
I recommend this show for medical students, interns and medical residents.
Who said medical series can't be a comedy, Scrubs is a pure medical comedy series. It follows the story of medical interns and surgical interns in their daily hospital life.
I consider Scrubs one of the best medical comedy yet. It has a great comedy lines, a good character development and, explores mentoring relationship of the sarcastic Dr. Perry Cox.
Surgeries are still going on with this one since 2005, It follows group of surgical residents as they advance their practical life with a drama theme.
It's a long series, full of twists, stories, and characters. It also has many medical emergency cases which the team should manage as they overcome their social drama.
Personally, I stopped watching this show at season 8. But I recommend it if you are a medical student who wants to pursue a career as a surgeon.
This is the show that inspires many to be doctors today, as 7 of my med school friends did. It runs for 15 years featuring many prominent actors like 1,2,3,4,
"ER" stands for, this series is a complex drama about doctors, nurses, and healthcare workers daily work.
The “New Amsterdam” is a relatively new medical series, It focuses on the new director of medicine for “New Amsterdam” hospital and his radical changes as it deals with medical cases, medical staff drama.