Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

In the context of healthcare security, OSINT is crucial for identifying potential threats, vulnerabilities, and risks by monitoring social media, forums, websites, and other open sources. Writing about OSINT in our blog raises awareness about its importance in safeguarding sensitive health data, protecting patient privacy, and ensuring the integrity of healthcare systems.

Unveiling H4X-Tools: Your Go-To OSINT Suite for Expert-Level Scraping and Searching

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

Unveiling H4X-Tools: Your Go-To OSINT Suite for Expert-Level Scraping and Searching

H4X-Tools is a toolkit designed for web scraping and Open Source Intelligence (OSINT). It includes a variety of tools for tasks such as scraping information from Instagram accounts, performing web searches, and many more. Features * Web scraping * Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) * Scraping information from Instagram accounts * Performing web searches * Looking

By Hazem Abbas
w3af is an Open-source free Web Application Attack and Audit Framework


w3af is an Open-source free Web Application Attack and Audit Framework

w3af is an open source web application security scanner which helps developers and penetration testers identify and exploit vulnerabilities in their web applications. The scanner is able to identify 200+ vulnerabilities, including Cross-Site Scripting, SQL injection and OS commanding. Features * User-friendly * Command-line interface * GUI app * Extenisable with plugins * Dozens of

By Hazem Abbas