42 Open-source Laravel Packages To Enrich Your Laravel Project
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Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. It was created by Taylor Otwell in 2011. Laravel has become one of the most popular PHP frameworks, with a large and growing community of developers.
Laravel is designed to be fast and efficient. It includes features like caching and queueing that can help speed up your application. Laravel also has a command-line interface (CLI) called Artisan that can help automate common tasks and speed up development.
Laravel has a large and active community of developers who are constantly contributing to the framework. This means that you can find answers to common problems and get help when you need it. Laravel also has excellent documentation that makes it easy to get started and learn the framework.
Laravel has a rich ecosystem of packages that can be easily integrated into your project. These packages can help speed up development and add new functionality to your application. Laravel also has a package manager called Composer that makes it easy to install and manage packages.
In this post, we offer you a list of the most useful open-source Laravel packages for your next Laravel project.
1- Media Library
This package can associate all sorts of files with Eloquent models. The storage of the files is handled by Laravel's Filesystem, so you can use any filesystem you like. Additionally, the package can create image manipulations on images and PDFs that have been added to the media library.
2- Clockwork

Clockwork is a development tool for PHP available right in your browser. Clockwork gives you an insight into your application runtime - including request data, performance metrics, log entries, database queries, cache queries, Redis commands, dispatched events, queued jobs, rendered views and more - for HTTP requests, commands, queue jobs and tests.
3- Log activity inside your Laravel app
The spatie/laravel-activitylog
package provides easy to use functions to log the activities of the users of your app. It can also automatically log model events. The Package stores all activity in the activity_log
4- Collision

Collision was created by, and is maintained by Nuno Maduro, and is a package designed to give you beautiful error reporting when interacting with your app through the command line.
- It's included on Laravel, the most popular free, open-source PHP framework in the world.
- Built on top of the Whoops error handler.
- Supports Laravel, Symfony, PHPUnit, and many other frameworks.
5- Larastan Laravel Code Analysis
Adds code analysis to Laravel improving developer productivity and code quality.
With Larastan you can:
- Adds static typing to Laravel to improve developer productivity and code quality
- Supports most of Laravel's beautiful magic
- Discovers bugs in your code
6- Orchid
Orchid is a @laravel package that allows for rapid application development of back-office applications, admin/user panels, and dashboards.

7- Laravel Query Builder
This package allows you to filter, sort and include eloquent relations based on a request. The QueryBuilder
used in this package extends Laravel's default Eloquent builder. This means all your favorite methods and macros are still available. Query parameter names follow the JSON API specification as closely as possible.
8- Laravel Zero
Laravel Zero was created by Nuno Maduro and Owen Voke, and is a micro-framework that provides an elegant starting point for your console application. It is an unofficial and customized version of Laravel optimized for building command-line applications.
- Built on top of the Laravel components.
- Optional installation of Laravel Eloquent, Laravel Logging and many others.
- Supports interactive menus and desktop notifications on Linux, Windows & macOS.
- Ships with a Scheduler and a Standalone Compiler.
- Integration with Collision - Beautiful error reporting
9- Ziggy – Use your Laravel routes in JavaScript
Ziggy provides a JavaScript route() helper function that works like Laravel's, making it easy to use your Laravel named routes in JavaScript.
Ziggy supports all versions of Laravel from 5.4 onward, and all modern browsers.
10- Lighthouse is a GraphQL framework For Laravel
Lighthouse is a GraphQL framework that integrates with your Laravel application. It takes the best ideas of both and combines them to solve common tasks with ease and offer flexibility when you need it.
11- Backpack Admin Panel Easy

This Package enables developers to quickly build an admin panel for your Eloquent models, then customize every little detail.
12- Laravel Analytics
A Laravel package to retrieve pageviews and other data from Google Analytics.
13- Tenancy Automatic multi-tenancy for Laravel
Automatic multi-tenancy for your Laravel app.
You won't have to change a thing in your application's code.
- No model traits to change database connection
- No replacing of Laravel classes (Cache, Storage, ...) with tenancy-aware classes
- Built-in tenant identification based on hostname (including second level domains)
14- Laravel-Vue SPA Starter

This open-source repo contains a feature-rich Laravel Vue starter for building quick SPA (Single Page App) projects.
Its features include:
- Laravel 8
- Vue + VueRouter + Vuex + VueI18n + ESlint
- Pages with dynamic import and custom layouts
- Login, register, email verification and password reset
- Authentication with JWT
- Socialite integration
- Bootstrap 5 + Font Awesome 5
15- Canvas Blog for Laravel projects
Canvas is a fully open source package to extend your existing Laravel application and get you up-and-running with a blog in just a few minutes. In addition to a distraction-free writing experience, you can view monthly trends on your content, get insights into reader traffic and more!
16- Laravel Auditing
This package will help you understand changes in your Eloquent models, by providing information about possible discrepancies and anomalies that could indicate business concerns or suspect activities.
Laravel Auditing allows you to keep a history of model changes by simply using a trait. Retrieving the audited data is straightforward, making it possible to display it in various ways.
17- Telegram Bot API - PHP SDK
🤖 Telegram Bot API PHP SDK. Lets you build Telegram Bots easily! Supports Laravel out of the box.
18- Laravel Response Cache
This Laravel package can cache an entire response. By default, it will cache all successful get-requests that return text based content (such as HTML and JSON) for a week. This could potentially speed up the response quite considerably.
So the first time a request comes in the package will save the response before sending it to the users. When the same request comes in again we're not going through the entire application but just respond with the saved response.
19- Laravel Sanctum
Laravel Sanctum provides a featherweight authentication system for SPAs (Single Page Apps) and simple APIs.
20- Ignition Error pages
Ignition is a beautiful and customizable error page for Laravel applications running on Laravel 5.5 up Laravel 8. It is the default error page for all Laravel 6 applications. It also allows to publicly share your errors on Flare. If configured with a valid Flare API key, your errors in production applications will be tracked, and you'll get notified when they happen.
21- Chatify
Laravel's #1 one-to-one chatting system package, helps you add a complete real-time chatting system to your new/existing Laravel application with only one command.
Chatify features include:
- One-to-one users chat system.
- Real-time contact list updates.
- Favorite users system (Like stories style).
- Saved Messages to save your messages online like Telegram messenger app.
- Search functionality.
- Contact item's last message indicator (e.g. You: ....).
- Real-time user's active status.
- Real-time typing indicator.
- Real-time message seen indicator.
- Real-time internet connection status.
- Upload attachments (Photo/File).
- Send Emoji's.
- User details panel (Shared photos, delete conversation..).
- Responsive design with all devices.
- User settings and chat customization : user's profile photo, dark mode and chat color. With simple and wonderful UI design.
22- Laravel Stats

This Laravel package allows you to get insights about your Laravel or Lumen Project.
23- Saloon
Saloon is a PHP library that provides you with a beautiful API integration framework. It gives you all the tools you need to build and test API integrations for your application or SDKs. It can be easily customized with plugins, but It comes pre-configured for you so you can get to sending API requests right away. Saloon comes with many exciting features out of the box like recording requests in your tests, caching, OAuth2 and pagination.
24- Prequel Database Management

Prequel is meant to be a database management tool for Laravel to replace the need for separate standalone database tools like PhpMyAdmin, Sequel Pro or MySQL Workbench. With its (hopefully) clear and concise UI, Prequel is to be a modern and lightweight database browser/tool ready for the web of the future. Prequel's design is purposefully based on that of Laravel Telescope because (web-)developers today have enough to learn and master already, so let's help each other out and make sure to not add anything virtually useless to that huge pile of knowledge.
25- Luner add eCommerce system to Laravel
Lunar is a set of Laravel packages that bring functionality akin to Shopify and other e-commerce platforms to Laravel. You have complete freedom to create your own storefront(s), but we've already done the hard work for you in the backend.
26- Laravel Notify

Laravel Notify is a package that lets you add custom notifications to your project. A diverse range of notification design is available.
27- Powergrid

PowerGrid creates modern, powerful and easy to customize Datatables based on Laravel Livewire library.
- ➔ Zero Configuration: Tables have basic features activated by default.
- ➔ It fits your needs: Extend and customize your table including components (checkbox, action buttons, editable fields), global search feature, column data filters and data export tool.
- ➔ Full Stubs: Table components include feature examples. Just uncomment some code, enter your data, and it works!
28- Laravel Love Social Interaction
Laravel Love is emotional part of the application. It let people express how they feel about the content. Make any model reactable in a minutes!
There are many implementations in modern applications:
- GitHub Reactions
- Facebook Reactions
- YouTube Likes
- Slack Reactions
- Reddit Votes
- Medium Claps
This package developed in mind that it should cover all the possible use cases and be viable in enterprise applications.
29- Laravel translatable
If you want to store translations of your models into the database, this package is for you.
This is a Laravel package for translatable models. Its goal is to remove the complexity in retrieving and storing multilingual model instances. With this package you write less code, as the translations are being fetched/saved when you fetch/save your instance.
30- Livewire datatables

Advanced datatables using Laravel, Livewire, Tailwind CSS and Alpine JS
Livewie datatables:
- Use a model or query builder to supply data
- Mutate and format columns using preset or custom callbacks
- Sort data using column or computed column
- Filter using booleans, times, dates, selects or free text
- Create complex combined filters using the complex query builder
- Show / hide columns
- Column groups
- Mass Action (Bulk) Support.
31- Laravel Short URL
A Laravel package that can be used for adding shortened URLs to your existing web app.
32- Laravel Befriended
Eloquent Befriended brings social media-like features like following, blocking and filtering content based on following or blocked models.
33- Venture Build and Manage Complex Workflows
Venture is a package to help you build and manage complex workflows of interdependent jobs using Laravel's queueing system.
34- Laravel Responder
Laravel Responder is a package for building API responses, integrating Fractal into Laravel and Lumen. It can transform your data using transformers, create and serialize success- and error responses, handle exceptions and assist you with testing your responses.
35- Laravel Visits
📊 Laravel Visits is a counter that can be attached to any model to track its visits using Redis or Eloquent. (with tags, IP protection and caching).
36- Laravel Wallet
Easy work with virtual wallet.
37- Browser Detection
Easy to use package to identify the visitor's browser details and device type. Magic is not involved the results are generated by multiple well tested and developed packages. Supporting every laravel version between 4.0 » 9.0, also tested on every PHP version between 5.6 » 8.1.
38- Laravel Initializer
Install and update Laravel application with single command. Outdated repository, check out updated link.
39- Laravel Translation

Laravel Translation is a package for Laravel which allows you full control over your translations when using Laravel's localization functionality.
The package allows you to manage your translations using either the native file based translations, but also provides a database driver which is useful in multi-server setups.
It exposes a user interface allowing you to update existing and add new translations to your application.
Below are a full list of features:
- File and database drivers
- Database translation loader (automatically load translations from the database when Laravel's translation retrieval methods and the database driver)
- User interface to add new languages and add and update translations
- Artisan commands to manage your translations
- Scan your application for missing translations
40- Tenanti Multi-tenant Database Schema Manager for Laravel
Tenanti allow you to manage multi-tenant data schema and migration manager for your Laravel application.
41- Laravel Markable
This package allows you to easily add the markable feature to your application, as for example likes, bookmarks, favorites and so on.
42- simple-crm
Add a simple CRM solutions to Laravel apps.