Aliza MS: is an Open Source Free DICOM Viewer for Windows, Linux, and macOS
Table of Content
Aliza MS is a free open-source DICOM viewer with a dozen of clinical-ready features.
It is available for Windows, Linux, and macOS. Because it is primarily written in C++ and C, It has a good performance even in working with large files and data sets.
- Very fast directory scanner, DICOMDIR
- 2D and 3D views with many tools
- View uniform and non-uniform series in physical space
- 2D+t, 3D+t animations
- Consistently de-identify DICOM
- View DICOM metadata
- Ultrasound incl. proper measurement in regions, cine
- Scout (localizer) lines
- Grayscale soft copy presentation
- Structured report
- Compressed images
- RTSTRUCT contours
- Siemens mosaic format
- United Imaging Healthcare (UIH) Grid / VFrame format
- Compressed images
- Fast directory scanner, DICOMDIR
- View uniform and non-uniform series in physical space
- Ultrasound incl. proper measurement in regions, cine
- Intersections in study
- Grayscale softcopy presentation
- SR (structured report)
- RTSTRUCT contours
- 2D and 3D views with many tools
- Registration (Elastix front-end)
- Fusion (e,g. PET-CT)
- 100+ filters
- SR (structured report)
- Mesh to binary, labels to mesh and other segmentation tools
- Medical imaging formats (import/export): MetaIO, Nrrd, Nifti
- Meshes (import/export): DICOM, VTK, OBJ, STL
- Draw and detect contours
- DICOM export
- DICOM tools
- Save and edit DICOM metadata
- Windows
- macOS
- Linux
AlizaMS is released under the GPL-3.0 License