AnySQL is an SQL Client for Python

AnySQL is a free and open-source Lightweight, Thread-Safe, Version-Agnostic, SQL Client Implementation inspired by Databases.


  • Lightweight - no use of sqlalchemy or other massive frameworks
  • ThreadSafe - implements threadsafe features for fearless concurrent usage
  • Flexible - acts as a standard frontend for a wide variety of SQL backends
  • Powerful - simple API design with powerful utilities and quality-of-life features


pip install anysql


It should be noted that anysql implements its own query parameterization to allow for greater API flexibility and performance, rather than rely on individual sql backends or relying on massive frameworks like sqlalchemy to handle query generation.

The existing parameterization has been thoroughly tested with sqlmap, the world standard of sql pentesting-tools, to prevent and detect any possible sql-injection vulnerabilities.

The test-suite used is publically available within the source-code repo within the tests folder.


# Create a database instance, and connect to it.
from anysql import Database
database = Database('sqlite://:memory:')

# Create a table.
query = """CREATE TABLE HighScores (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(100), score INTEGER)"""

# Insert some data.
query = "INSERT INTO HighScores(name, score) VALUES (:name, :score)"
values = [
    {"name": "Daisy", "score": 92},
    {"name": "Neil", "score": 87},
    {"name": "Carol", "score": 43},
database.execute_many(query=query, values=values)

# Run a database query.
query = "SELECT * FROM HighScores"
rows = database.fetch_all(query=query)
print('High Scores:', rows)


MIT License

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EHrapy: The Ultimate Open-Source Tool for Simplifying Healthcare Data and Medical Records Analysis

EHrapy: The Ultimate Open-Source Tool for Simplifying Healthcare Data and Medical Records Analysis

Healthcare researchers and data scientists often grapple with processing vast amounts of complex, sensitive Electronic Health Records (EHR) data. EHrapy, an open-source Python package developed by TheisLab, tackles these challenges head-on. It streamlines the handling, analysis, and exploration of healthcare data—especially EHR data—in a privacy-preserving and user-friendly manner.

By Hazem Abbas

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