Aseprite: Animated sprite editor & pixel art tool (Free software)

Animated sprite editor & pixel art tool (Windows, macOS, Linux)


  • Sprites are composed of layers & frames as separated concepts.

  • Support for color profiles and different color modes: RGBA, Indexed (palettes up to 256 colors), Grayscale.

  • Animation facilities, with real-time preview and onion skinning.

  • Export/import animations to/from sprite sheets, GIF files, or sequence of PNG files (and FLC, FLI, JPG, BMP, PCX, TGA).

  • Multiple editors support.

  • Layer groups for organizing your work, and reference layers for rotoscoping.

  • Pixel-art specific tools like Pixel Perfect freehand mode, Shading ink, Custom Brushes, Outlines, Wide Pixels, etc.

  • Other special drawing tools like Pressure sensitivity, Symmetry Tool, Stroke and Fill selection, Gradients.

  • Tiled mode useful to draw patterns and textures.

  • Transform multiple frames/layers at the same time.

  • Lua scripting capabilities.

  • CLI - Command Line Interface to automatize tasks.

  • Quick Reference / Cheat Sheet keyboard shortcuts (customizable keys and mouse wheel).

  • Reopen closed files and recover data in case of crash.

  • Undo/Redo for every operation and support for non-linear undo.

  • More features & tips


This program is distributed under three different licenses:

Source code and official releases/binaries are distributed under our End-User License Agreement for Aseprite (EULA). Please check that there are modules/libraries in the source code that are distributed under the MIT license (e.g. laf, clip, undo, observable, ui, etc.).

You can request a special educational license in case you are a teacher in an educational institution and want to use Aseprite in your classroom (in-situ).

Steam releases are distributed under the terms of the Steam Subscriber Agreement.


macOS Windows and Linux


NOT an Open-source


animation,gamedev,gamdev,devtools,gif,sprite editor,png,jpeg,jpg, gif animation,animations



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