BasicCAT: Free computer-aided translation tool (Free app)

BasicCAT is an open source and free computer-aided translation tool, which aims at providing a simple and useful tool for translators. The name is BasicCAT, because of its simplicity and its programming language—Basic. Basic is easy to learn and everyone can build a suitable CAT tool based on BasicCAT's source code.

The design principle of BasicCAT is to reduce eye shift and focus on translating. Machine Translation, selected word meaning and language check results will all show as a dropdown list below the input textarea.

It comes packed with a dozen of useful features that include autocorrect, quick fill, terminology manager, language check and more.

Beyond its rich functions set, it allows you to add more plugins and extend the translation engine with other services like Google, IBM Watson, Naver Papago, Amazon (offline machine translation) and more.


  • Translation memory

  • Terminology management

  • Language check

  • Select words to get meanings

  • Quickfill

  • AutoCorrect

  • Interactive machine translation

  • Export Word for external review

  • Export bilingual paragraph files

  • Merge and split segments freely

  • Online dictionaries integration

  • Support machine translation services provided by Google, Microsoft, etc.

  • Pretranslate based on translation memory and machine translation

  • Support common file formats: TXT, IDML, XLIFF, Gettext Po

  • Support translation standards: TMX, TBX and SRX

  • Version control using git


Currently available plugins:

Machine Translation:

  • ChatGPT

  • Tencent

  • Niutrans

  • Google

  • IBM Watson

  • Colorful Clouds

  • Naver Papago

  • Cloudtranslation (only url param need to setup. Visit its homepage to learn more)

  • Amazon (need separate download: link)

  • OpusCAT (offline machine translation,introduction)

  • Web (extract translation from online webpages, api-free. Details)


macOS Windows and Linux


GPL-2.0 license


translation,cat,translations,languages,productivity,tools,computer-aided translation,tool,txt,idml,xliff,tmx,tbx,srx



Open-source Apps


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