Clash is an Open-source Server Tunnel

Clash is an Open-source Server Tunnel

Clash is a free open-source terminal-based Tunnel system that supports HTTP, HTTPS, and SOCKS servers, written in the Go programming language.


  • Local HTTP/HTTPS/SOCKS server with authentication support
  • VMess, Shadowsocks, Trojan, Snell protocol support for remote connections
  • Built-in DNS server that aims to minimize DNS pollution attack impact, supports DoH/DoT upstream and fake IP.
  • Rules based off domains, GEOIP, IPCIDR or Process to forward packets to different nodes
  • Remote groups allow users to implement powerful rules. Supports automatic fallback, load balancing or auto select node based off latency
  • Remote providers, allowing users to get node lists remotely instead of hardcoding in config
  • Netfilter TCP redirecting. Deploy Clash on your Internet gateway with iptables.
  • Comprehensive HTTP RESTful API controller


Clash is released under the GPL-3.0 License


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EHrapy: The Ultimate Open-Source Tool for Simplifying Healthcare Data and Medical Records Analysis

EHrapy: The Ultimate Open-Source Tool for Simplifying Healthcare Data and Medical Records Analysis

Healthcare researchers and data scientists often grapple with processing vast amounts of complex, sensitive Electronic Health Records (EHR) data. EHrapy, an open-source Python package developed by TheisLab, tackles these challenges head-on. It streamlines the handling, analysis, and exploration of healthcare data—especially EHR data—in a privacy-preserving and user-friendly manner.

By Hazem Abbas

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