33 Open-source Free Cryptocurrency Monitoring App
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A cryptocurrency tracking and monitoring app is a tool that provides users with real-time information on the prices and market trends of various cryptocurrencies.
It can be used to manage a cryptocurrency portfolio, with features to track the total value of the portfolio, individual coin holdings, and changes in the market value of each coin.
Some apps also offer additional features such as alerts for price changes, news updates related to cryptocurrencies, and integration with exchanges for trading and transaction tracking.
In this list, we collect the best open-source monitors, and crypto trackers that can you download and install.
1. Cryptocurrency Monitor (Windows)
This Cryptocurrency Monitor is a piece of software which utilizes various REST API calls to display and calculate market data from various Bitcoin Websites (Coinbase, Cryptsy, BTC-E, Blockchain.info).
2. Merkato

This is a financial tracker for stocks, currencies, and cryptocurrencies, inspired by the Markets Project. It delivers financial data and allows users to create personal portfolios and track various assets including stocks, currencies, cryptocurrencies, commodities, and indexes.
- Create your personal portfolio
- Track stocks, currencies, cryptocurrencies, commodities and indexes
- Designed for Gnome
- Open any symbol in Yahoo Finance for more details
- Adjust the refresh rate
- Dark Mode
3. Cointop
Cointop is a fast and lightweight interactive terminal based UI application for tracking and monitoring cryptocurrency coin stats in real-time.

4. Crytpgo
Crytpgo is a TUI based application written purely in Go to monitor and observe cryptocurrency prices in real time! It can be install easily using Docker.
5. CryptoShadow
CryptoCurrency Tracker for Android & iOS built with Flutter.
- CoinMarketCap API
- CustomListView + Design
- Custom card
- Chart
- News Page
- Converter
- Portfolio (Still under dev but it works)
6. BTCmon

BTCmon is a free and open-source small crypto monitor, 50 currencies and 220 crypto coins including bitcoin ethereum dogecoin etc. graph for last 24h, 7d, 30d, 1y. It has been tested on Windows 7/8/10 and requires only 3MB RAM.
- It supports 50+ currencies and 200+ crypto coins
- Graph for last 24 hours, week, month or year
- Price is set as the window title text, including when minimized on the taskbar
7. CryptoTracker (Windows)

This is a free and open-source minimal yet powerful crypto-currency tracker UWP.

- Keep track of your favourite coins with the Home dashboard
- Supports over 800 cryptocurrencies!
- Stay up to date with Alerts, Live Tiles and Compact Overlays
- Adjustable hourly/daily/weekly/monthly charts
- Powerful portfolio to track the performance of your purchases (with backups).
- Keep up with the latest news.
- More than 15 currencies: EUR, USD, GBP, AUD, MXN, CNY, JPY, INR...
- Beautiful Light and Dark themes inline with Windows 11
- ...and much more!
8. Real-time CryptoCurrency Monitor
The is a real-time cryptocurrency monitor that uses the Binance API to fetch data and can make up to 1200 requests per minute. It can be linked to a personal Binance portfolio using an API key and secret key, displaying current portfolio cryptos and the total value in USDT.
9. Crypto Tracker (Next.js)

This is a free and open-source crypto-tracker webapp built using next js & Typescript.
- Top 10 coins section
- Pagination with 4 pages, 20 coins on each page
- Filtering out on category between all coins, metaverse, and gaming category coins.
- search filter to search for coins
- sorting from low to high and high to low based on current price
- added a favourites section for the user to bookmark coins and they get added in a list with state management using redux, added both star marking the coins as well as even removing it.
- added currency switching between usd and inr
- the coin detail page with additional details about the coin, such as chart, market-cap, volume and other stats
- recommended coins section at the coin detail page.
- TailwindCSS for styling.
- and yes fully responsive.
10. Rotki

Rotki is a privacy-focused, open-source portfolio tracking, analytics, accounting, and tax reporting tool that stores encrypted data on the user's local computer. A Pro Version offers additional advanced features.
- Shows balances across various platforms, blockchain, exchanges, and protocols
- Provides graphs for historical activity and portfolio analysis
- Translates EVM transactions into readable format
- Retrieves and analyzes history from supported platforms, with browsing and filtering
- Customizable UI, currency, language, accounting settings, balance and history edits
- Analyzes profit and loss with custom settings, generates reports

11. Hodl.watch (Self-hosted)

Hodl.watch is a powerful web app for automatic crypto portfolio tracking, featuring an intuitive chart for portfolio value tracking, automatic exchange data import through a unified API, and private data storage in browser localstorage.
- Advanced charting: Track your portfolio value in an intuitive chart containing all your assets
- Automatic exchange data import: Supports many exchanges through a unified API thanks to the ccxt library
- Private data storage: Stores all data in browser localstorage, using stored API keys to communicate with exchanges
- Future feature: Optional Dropbox/OneDrive sync to work with the same data across multiple devices
- Easy to modify: Powered by React and Redux, making it easy for developers to modify or extend
- Developer Wiki: Planned instructions on how to work with the project
12. CryptoTracker (Android)

This is a free and open-source Android app written using Kotlin.
13. Cryptocurrency Price Tracker React App

A Cryptocurrency Price Tracker shows the current prices, market cap, 24h change, and volume for all the cryptocurrencies in the world. The price is USD, and all the relevant details are shown in a custom-built Material-UI table.
14. YutePort

YutePort is a simple portfolio designed to control the status of our cryptocurrencies in each exchange in an easy and automatic way. It uses a local database so it does not share data with anyone.
15. BtcStatus
This is a basic cryptocurrency price status checker with a GUI, using Java & Swing. It's currently in heavy development but it's available for download and free to use.
16. FinTrack

FinTrack is an Android app developed in Android Studio that tracks the prices of a customized list of stocks and includes a portfolio tracking section. It requires only internet permission and offers both dark and light themes.
17. Stock Crypto Monitor
This package continuously monitors cryptocurrency and stock prices, supporting over 5000 cryptocurrencies and all stock tickers on Yahoo Finance. It is ideal for use with Termux on Android to display cryptocurrency prices in the notification area.
18. Crypto Labs
Crypto Labs is a responsive React.js application for tracking cryptocurrencies, featuring a search function and integration with the TradingView widget for charting.
19. Coin Tracker

Coin Tracker is a cryptocurrency tracking application that provides users with the latest cryptocurrency prices and allows them to add or remove their favorite cryptocurrencies from a wishlist.
20. Crypto Currency Tracker

This simple web-app allows you to track your Crypto Currencies with this Docker & Prometheus Stack.
21. CryptoVerse

CryptoVerse is a full Responsive Crypto Tracking app made with ReactJS, NodeJs, EJS, Vanilla JS and axios, Cheerio that has following features Crypto Currency Tracker,Crypto Portfolio Tracker, Crypto News, Coin Events, Crypto Top Loser and Gainer, Crypto Dictionary.
22. crypTrax
crypTrax is a VUE.js + Electron project for tracking cryptocurrencies, using data from the free coingecko.com API.
It allows users to track, compare, and calculate profits from their chosen cryptocurrencies, set alerts, and use a widget bar for quick views. crypTrax is completely portable.
- Tracks all cryptocurrencies
- Updates every 1 minute
- Supports different fiat currencies
- Displays all 45 Fiat
- Imports Exchanges API Key's to check balances
- Displays all 107 Exchanges
- Imports Wallets to check balances
- Displays all 8 Wallet types
- Customizable categories
- Includes a total value calculator
- Includes a profit/loss calculator
- Accounts for your Fees/Taxes
- Has a Trandingview.com multi window view
- Allows setting of alerts
- Available in Light and Dark Themes
- Has a widget bar
- Provides quick links for each coin to coingecko.com and tradingview.com
- Offers comparison charts
- Has a news feed
- Shows sources
- Portable
23. PythonCryptoTracker
PythonCryptoTracker is a comprehensive tool that leverages the CryptoCompare.com API to track cryptocurrency prices. With a user-friendly interface and real-time data fetching capabilities, this tracker is designed for both beginners and seasoned crypto enthusiasts.
- Real-time Data: Fetches the latest cryptocurrency prices from CryptoCompare.com.
- Historic Data: Access historical data for a comprehensive analysis.
- Custom Icons: Customizable icons for MacOS and Windows.
- Packaging: Easily package the application using PyInstaller.
24. Real-time Crypto Currency Monitor
Binance API endpoints provide extensive cryptocurrency data, allowing for up to 1200 request weight per minute. This can be utilized to develop tools like a command line dashboard.
The dashboard can be linked to a personal Binance portfolio using an API key and secret key, displaying current portfolio cryptos and the total value in USDT.
25. CryptoShark (Telegram Bot)
CryptoShark is a Telegram bot that provides real-time values of any cryptocurrency in US dollars and Euros, sourced from Coin Market Cap. It also displays the most and least efficient cryptocurrencies over the last hour, 24 hours, or 7 days, aiding in successful exchanges.
26. Python Dash

The Python-based Dash app allows you to track whale activity in buy/sell walls on cryptocurrency exchanges, currently operational only for GDAX. The project encourages contributions from coders, traders, and crypto-aficionados through issue reporting, feature requests, and submitting pull requests to enhance the app.
27. Crypticker

Crypticker is a simple command line cryptocurrency price ticker for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and more.
28. Crypto Coin Portfolio Tracker
Crypto Coin Portfolio Manager is a free and open-source app that tracks all of your Bitcoin and crypto coin investments
- Supports dozens of currencies
- Individual coin pages
- Coin holding total display
- Coin holding $ value display
- Portfolio percentage display
- Average purchase price display
- Option to remove coin from portfolio
- Import/Export function for transferring holdings to another device
- Adding coins feature with a form to enter coin ticker, average cost basis per coin, and quantity held.
29. Crypto Converter ⚡ Widget
The Crypto Converter Widget is a PHP-based real-time web tool for converting cryptocurrencies on any website. It supports approximately 170 fiat currencies and 2,288 cryptocurrencies and is free to use.
- No Cryptojacking!
- Pure JavaScript ≈71.5 kBytes (gzip), no dependencies;
- Flexible settings and customizable design;
- Real-time ⚡ streaming price update;
- Processed on a third-party server;
- Sound beep when price changed
- ≈2,288 cryptocurrencies and ≈170 fiat currencies;
- SSL support;
- SEO-friendly.
30. My Cryptoportfolio

MyCryptoportfolio is a full-stack web app for managing your cryptocurrency portfolio, with a frontend that communicates with a MongoDB Atlas database via Azure Functions.
31. Crypto Snap

Crypto Snap is a ReactJS-based web application that provides real-time information about the top 7 trending bitcoins and their market trends.
The project utilizes various technologies such as Tailwind CSS, CoinGecko API, Chart.js, react-router-dom, Hero Icons, and Moment.js.
32. Cryptofolio

Cryptofolio is a free open-source, and self-hosted solution for tracking your cryptocurrency holdings. It features a web interface, an Android mobile app, and a cross-platform desktop application for Windows, macOS, and Linux. These three platforms all work using a RESTful API, which you'd have to host yourself.
33. Cryptocurrency Tracker

CryptoTracker is a state-of-the-art web application providing real-time tracking of the top 100 cryptocurrencies. It features an intuitive, user-friendly interface for monitoring cryptocurrency prices and information.
- Top 100 Cryptocurrencies: The main tab displays the top 100 cryptocurrencies with their current prices, providing users with an overview of the cryptocurrency market.
- Trending Coins: The application also has a tab that displays the trending coins, helping users to stay updated with the latest trends in the cryptocurrency market.
- Detailed Modal: Users can click on the coin logo to open a modal that shows a graph depicting the last 7 days' price trend of the selected coin. The modal also displays other relevant information about the coin, such as its name, symbol, market cap, and more.
- Currency Conversion: The application allows users to change the displayed currency between EUR and USD, providing flexibility for users to view prices in their preferred currency.
- Search Functionality: The application provides a search functionality that allows users to search for specific cryptocurrencies, making it easy for them to find and track their favorite coins.