GoldBug is an Encrypted Communications Platform with Chat Messaging, Email Client, Web Search, and File Transfer

GoldBug is an Encrypted Communications Platform with Chat Messaging, Email Client, Web Search, and File Transfer
Photo by NEOM / Unsplash

GoldBug is a decentralized and secure communication suite that offers an integrated email client, an instant messenger, and a file transfer feature. It also includes an URL-RSS-DB and a peer-to-peer web search.

The current version of GoldBug incorporates the McEliece Algorithm.

From 2013 to 2023, GoldBug has served as another graphical user interface of the Spot-On Encryption Suite, spanning ten years.


The main graphical user interface features of GoldBug include a minimal and colorful interface with tabs located in the east.

For compiling, Microsoft and Qt MinGW have deprecated Win32.


  • Alpha processors.
  • Authenticated and encrypted SQLite and PostgreSQL URL databases.
  • BSD license.
  • Bluetooth, SCTP, TCP, UDP.
  • Configurable thread priorities.
  • Custom URL rules.
  • Custom socket options.
  • DSA, ECDSA, EdDSA, ElGamal, McEliece, NTRU, RSA.
  • DTLS.
  • Debian packages.
  • Distributed URL system.
  • Distributed e-mail.
  • E-mail (IMAP, POP, Spot-On).
  • Echo public-key distribution system.
  • End-to-End, not Hop-to-Hop encryption.
  • FreeBSD, Linux, Mac, OS/2, OpenBSD, Windows.
  • GPG-lite via Rosetta.
  • Infinite listeners and neighbors.
  • Integrated file encryption of directories and files.
  • Mac and Windows install targets: make install!
  • Messaging.
  • Multitasking kernel.
  • Natively compiled on Alpha, ARM, PowerPC, Sparc64, X86, X86_64.
  • Optional SSL/TLS.
  • Poptastic, or, communications through e-mail. IMAP, POP3, SMTP.
  • Portable.
  • PowerPC.
  • Private applications. Stream through Spot-On.
  • Private group communications.
  • Quantum-Computing Secure McEliece Algorithm
  • RSS feeder.
  • Raspberry Pi.
  • Record e-mail of offline destinations.
  • Remote accounts.
  • Rosetta stationery.
  • Search engine via PostgreSQL and SQLite.
  • Simple software firewall.
  • Socialist Millionaires Protocol.
  • Sparc.
  • Themes.
  • Threefish CBC.
  • UDP multicast, unicast.
  • Ultra StarBeam file sharing.
  • WebSockets.
  • Windows portable

Operating Systems

Linux, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD, BSD, Android, Maemo, Tizen, Linksys WRT54G series, macOS, and Windows


BSD License

Resources & Download

GoldBug - Encrypted Communications
Download GoldBug - Encrypted Communications for free. Chat Messenger. E-Mail-Client. Websearch. Filetransfer. . GoldBug is a decentralized & secure communication suite that offers an integrated e-mail client, an instant messenger & a file transfer. Also included is an URL-RSS-DB & a p2p web search.
GoldBug - Secure E-Mail-Client & Instant Messenger
GoldBug - Secure E-Mail-Client & Instant Messenger - A Multi-Encrypted Communication Suite

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