Hidden Dangers of Inadequate Horse Riding Instruction

Hidden Dangers of Inadequate Horse Riding Instruction
Photo by Violeta Pencheva / Unsplash

When a horse riding instructor gets a new student, they should assess whether the student is physically ready. Many instructors fail to notice if the student has issues like a pelvic tilt, neck problems, forward head posture, rounded shoulders, or other physical challenges that can affect their riding.

These instructors often have no understanding of these conditions or how they can lead to serious harm for the rider, including balance problems when the horse canters or gallops.

As a result, students end up riding horses with poor and dangerous posture—like rabbits riding donkeys or monkeys on motorcycles. This greatly increases the risk of a dangerous fall if they attempt to gallop (and as I mentioned earlier, some instructors have students who can’t even gallop properly).

These aren’t the only problems with these blind instructors. As they continue to work with these students or patients, they reinforce poor riding posture, which increases the chances of serious injury.

A real instructor should be able to assess whether the student requires physiotherapy or riding lessons. However, these "uc kagitcilar" (frauds) are only interested in draining money from their students' pockets.

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