Hull: Headless Next.js Starter for Shopify and Headless CMS with

Hull: Headless Next.js Starter for Shopify and Headless CMS with

Hull is a free open-source Next.js starter for anyone who is interested in building a content rich eCommerce shop with full SEO support.

It is easy to deploy on Vercel platform, and simple to setup. Developers can also deploy it on Sanity or their own servers.

Hull is maintained by an active team of developers.


  • Utility-first CSS with Tailwind CSS
  • Animations powered by Framer Motion
  • Cart powered by Shopify Buy SDK
  • Real-time inventory check for products using SWR
  • Customizable Filtering & Sorting for product collections
  • Klaviyo waitlist form for out-of-stock products
  • Klaviyo newsletter form with opt-in field
  • Dynamic Page Routes for custom page creation
  • Automatic Sitemap.xml generation
  • Automatic robots.txt generation
  • Automatic 301 Redirects from Sanity
  • Live Preview content directly from Sanity
  • Modern Image component using Sanity's Hotspot, Crop, and automatic WEBP format
  • Modular page content for all pages, including dynamic grid layouts
  • Customizable Promotion Banner
  • Customizable Cookie Notice
  • Accessibility features:
  • ARIA Landmark Roles
  • Default focus states preserved for keyboard navigation
  • Correctly trap focus for drawers with focus-trap-react
  • Roving tabindex for radio buttons
  • Input-based quantity counters
  • Required alt text for all images
  • "Skip to Content" link
  • SEO features:
  • Page-level SEO/Share settings with previews
  • Fallback Global SEO/Share settings
  • Automatic JSON-LD Schema markup for products

Shopify Integration Features

  • Automatically syncs products from Shopify into Sanity
  • Custom action to sync product cart thumbnails back to Shopify from Sanity
  • Tracks product status (draft/published) from Shopify to help control visibility while editing
  • Deleted products and variants are preserved and flagged in Sanity
  • Updates the URL on variant changes while keeping a clean history stack
  • Vanity shop URL masking
  • Global Cart with access to all variant data for line items
  • Supports Single Variant products out of the box
  • Product photo galleries with variant granularity
  • Dynamic /shop collection page
  • Custom collection pages
  • Ability to surface a variant option on product cards


  • MIT license


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