Lighting: A Low-code and Admin Dashboard for Django

Lighting: A Low-code and Admin Dashboard for Django

Lighting is a fairly new project that adds a low-code flavor into your Django project in a matter of minutes. It allows you to generate a comprehensive admin panel for your data models, with minimal configuration.

It uses Django, React and Ant Design frameworks to create a smooth user experience. However,

Lighting requires Python 3.6, and Django 2.2.x. However, Django 3.x is not yet supported, but it may be in the near future.

Lighting allows you to create forms, views, data tables, table customizers, and organize your views and navigation.

Furthermore, it allows you to create an API directly from your data models, create and customize charts.

The downsides

The main downsides for Lighting are: it does not have good English documentation, and it does not support Django 3.x yet.


The project is released under the MIT License.


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