LyricsX: Ultimate lyrics app for macOS (Free app)
Table of Content
Ultimate lyrics app for macOS.
LyricsX for iOS and lyricsx-cli for Linux is in early development.
Work perfectly with your favorite music players. List of supported players
Automatically search & download live lyrics from various lyrics sources. List of supported sources
Display lyrics on desktop and menubar. you can customize font, color and position.
Adjust lyrics offset on status menu.
Navigate the song with lyrics - Double click a line to jump to specific position.
Drag & Drop to import/export lyrics file.
Auto launch & quit with music player.
Automatic conversion between Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.
Lyrics Editor
LyricsX use custom lyrics file format "LRCX" which support word time tag, multi-language translation and more. Currently there's no official LRCX editor. You can use Lrcx_Creator for now (see #544, thanks to @Doublefire-Chen). Or use normal LRC editor, as LRCX is compatible with LRC.
brew install --cask lyricsx
macOS null
MPL-2.0 license