Marta is the Best Free File Manager for macOS

Enter Marta, a dual-pane file manager that aims to revolutionize the way you navigate your files and directories.

Marta is the Best Free File Manager for macOS

When it comes to file management on macOS, finding a tool that balances power, speed, and user-friendly design can be a challenge.

What is Marta?

Marta stands out as a top choice for anyone looking to streamline their file management on macOS. Its dual-pane interface and focus on customization make it an ideal tool for users who demand flexibility and efficiency.

The performance is exceptional, even with large files and directories, ensuring that you can work without interruption. Additionally, the ability to extend functionality through plugins adds a layer of versatility that is hard to find in other file managers.

Whether you’re a power user looking for efficiency or someone seeking a more organized workflow, Marta offers a robust set of features designed to enhance your macOS experience.

Overall, Marta is a powerful, efficient, and highly customizable file manager that is well worth considering for your macOS toolkit.


  • User-friendly
  • Dual-pane interface
  • Native design
  • Built-in search
  • Actions panel
  • Look up
  • Windows and tabs
  • Task Queue
  • Disk usage
  • Built-in terminal
  • Show hidden files
  • Archive support
  • Keyboard support
  • Fully Customizable
  • Theme support
  • Dozens of plugins
  • Developer-friendly plugin API
  • Auro update


  • Free app

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