Movim: a decentralized open-source XMPP-based messaging and social platform

What is Movim?

Movim is a free, open-source social and communication platform based on XMPP standards.

Movim allows users to communicate easily  with their friends, family, and work colleagues using chatroom, video conferences, and private messaging.  Movim works as a front-end for XMPP network.


  1. Movim has a responsive web interface that works on mobile.
  2. A decentralized messaging system
  3. Movim automatically embeds your links and images in your posts.
  4. Built-in comments with thread comments
  5. Blogging
  6. Users can tag their posts, comments, for easy browsing
  7. Movim supports the Markdown syntax and allows you to put rich text content in your publications.
  8. Users can create many chatrooms and have unlimited conversations
  9. Send end-to-end encrypted messages to your contacts using OMEMO.
  10. Attachments: Attach pictures, videos, and documents in your conversations.
  11. Articles sharing
  12. Send funny stickers, GIF, or emojis to your friends in one click!
  13. Take a quick photo and share it with your contacts.
  14. React to chat messages with funny emojis.
  15. Send nice drawing and customize your pictures before sharing them.
  16. Correct your previous messages easily… or delete them in one click.
  17. Message read notification: Movim tells you if your message has been delivered and read.
  18. Switch between front and back camera
  19. Built-in global search for messages, posts, chatrooms, communities, tags, and contacts
  20. Notification: be notified about likes, mentions and comments
  21. Enable night mode with one click
  22. Docker support: install Movim in a few minutes with Docker
  23. Comes with a rich developer friend documentation
  24. Translated to several languages

Install and run Movim


Movim requires some dependencies to be setup properly.

  • A fully working webserver like Apache or Nginx (version 1.3.13 minimal)
  • A PHP process manager like php-fpm will usually be required for Nginx
  • Root access by SSH with access to the webserver user (most of the time via the user www-data)
  • A SQL server with a schema for Movim (more info in Database Configuration).
  • PotgreSQL (strongly recommended)
  • MySQL 5.7 or higher with utf8mb4 encoding (necessary for emojis 😃 support)
  • MariaDB 10.2 or higher with utf8mb4 encoding (necessary for emojis 😃 support)
  • PHP 7.3 minimum with :
  • Curl (package ''php-curl'')
  • PHP mbstring (package ''php-mbstring'')
  • PHP ImageMagick and GD for the picture processing (package ''php-imagick'' and ''php-gd'')
  • Your database PHP driver (package ''php-pgsql'' or ''php-mysql'' depending on the type of database server you want to use).
  • And the PHP XML (package ''php-xml'')


Movim is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 license.


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