Nextra: Generate Rich Documentation Sites with Next.js and MDX

Simple, powerful and flexible site generation framework with everything you love from Next.js.

Nextra: Generate Rich Documentation Sites with Next.js and MDX

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Next.js is a React-based framework for creating reactive web applications. It can also be used to create desktop and mobile apps.

Next.js has a rich community of developers and a straightforward learning curve, making it highly recommended for both React developers and JavaScript/TypeScript developers. The framework also offers many open source templates, boilerplates, and starters that you can download and use for free. Additionally, it comes with many useful tool sets for building almost anything.

One of these tools is MDX, which enables developers to write their pages in Markdown format that can include JavaScript and Next.js code, and then render it. MDX converts Markdown code into Next.js compatible code.

Nextra is a framework based on Next.js that allows you to build a theme-able website or documentation website without dealing with MDX setup, configuration, or theme creation. It has been used to create many beautiful websites, blogs, developer documentations, and landing pages.


  • Simple setup
  • MDX 2 support
  • Built-in search with full-text search (using FlexSearch) support without any configuration
  • Advanced syntax highlighting solution.
  • Full translation support with I18n
  • Built-in dark mode.
  • Using file-based page routers.
  • Hybrid rendering support including: SSG, SSR and ISR.
  • SEO-ready
  • RTL support
  • Highly customizable theme
  • Ready-to use Document theme

Missing elements

Although Nextra was advertised as a Blog theme, it is not yet ready to use in production. However, you can create and use your own theme with little effort.


Nextra is an open-source project that is released under the MIT license.


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