OfficeLife is an Open Source Software to Manage The Employee Lifecycle

OfficeLife is an Open Source Software to Manage The Employee Lifecycle

Employee management lifecycle is often managed with-in an ERP solution, such as ERP Next, OpenERP and others.

OfficeLife is an independent open source and of course free solution that help enterprise manage employee lifecycle and workflow in an automated fashion.

At its GitHub page, OfficeLife was forked more than 60 times and got about 500 stars by developers.

OfficeLife is made by the same team who built the personal CRM solution (Monica) for personal organization. It has several contributors who develop and making sure it is receiving regular updates.

The project is designed to aid companies and organizations manage human resources unlike other HR solutions, as it focuses on company workflows and employees performance.

It operates in 5 domains: recruitment, management, operation, communication, and team morale.

OffliceLife has a clean light interface, a rich dashboard that allows direct access to all the software directory.

With OfficeLife the enterprise can:

  1. Manage its own workflow
  2. Manage dozens of projects
  3. Create employees and employees teams
  4. Create and manage knowledge bases
  5. Search employee, teams, groups, projects, and tasks with a strong collective search
  6. Search and browse Employee profiles
  7. Recruit: Applicant tracking system
  8. Recruit: Onboarding and offboarding management
  9. Operation: Time tracking per employee, team and projects
  10. Operation: PTOs (ie holidays and time offs)
  11. Operation: Expenses management
  12. Operation: Hardware and software licenses
  13. Operation: Project management
  14. Work logs
  15. Team and company news board
  16. Built-in wiki engine and management
  17. Employees can rate their manager
  18. Skills improvement and progressing path
  19. e-Coffees
  20. Discipline cases management

Who is it for?

OfficeLife is aimed at small and medium size businesses, ranging from 10 to 500 employees. It's not suited for smaller teams, because it's collaborative. Also, it's not meant for huge companies as those companies usually have enough resources to manage a lot of different dedicated, specialized pieces of software.
OfficeLife is for companies that want one tool, simple enough for everybody, and hackable, so it can fit your custom needs.


  • PHP 8.0 or higher,
  • the PHP's intl extension,
  • a database engine: preferably MySQL or SQLite. PostegreSQL should work, in theory.
  • An HTTP server: Nginx, Apache, Caddy, etc.
  • Composer
  • Node and Yarn
  • A knowledge of how Laravel, VueJS and InertiaJS work. OfficeLife is a complex Laravel application, with a lot of queues and cron jobs


OffliceLife is a free open-source project that is released under the BSD 3-Clause License.

However, the GitHub default license is set to AGPL-3.0 which may seem as a license conflict.


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Dev. Resources
