Opal :Open Source Healthcare domain specific framework

Opal is an open source framework for building a healthcare applications, Its build on top of Django framework, which itself is very powerful and solid framework for developers to make sure their product is production solid

Opal :Open Source Healthcare domain specific framework

Table of Content

 Opal is an open source framework for building a healthcare applications, Its build on top of Django framework, which itself is very powerful and solid framework for developers to make sure their product is production solid. Opal is a project from Open Health Care UK, which is  a limited UK based company dedicated to build solutions for healthcare sector.

Opal is based on Django, Angular and Bootstrap? So what does that mean.

  • Django is very powerful full stack framework featuring out-of-the-box tools as admin dashboard, user      model, secure and supports different databases. AND Django is Open source  : BSD license, and begin used by successful big companies and projects over the past 10 years.
  • Angular : is a reactive  JavaScript-based open-source front-end      web application framework, released under MIT license.
  • Bootstrap is an open source      front-end HTML/ CSS Library released under MIT license

Healthcare domain centred framework its about time.

 As a developer I worked with different frameworks and platforms, but almost all were built to not be domain specific and there were no initiative to build domain specific platform on almost all of them. Mainly because domain specific products were not that popular, also the products were varying from one setup/ client to another. Opal has solved that issue by building the base shared modules/ data structure and put them ready to use by developers which includes : Patient Model, Clinical flows, Search module, REST API and more.

Benefits of using Opal for building healthcare apps

  • Production ready
  • Authentication : Registration   and login ( inherited from Django )
  • Security ( Django powered  security )
  • Users group/ permissions (  inherited from Django )
  • Fast production process
  • Easy deployment
  • Clinical/ Patient  data structure and module
  • Medical conditions library
  • Automatic API generation for new modules
  • Rich documentation
  • Utilise the Django tools as  Django admin dashboard


Open source license

Opal is Licensed under the GNU Affero GPLv3

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