Top 18 Open-source Free Vue Dashboard Admin Templates
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Vue is a popular JavaScript framework for building progressive web apps and single page apps.
The large community of Vue developers love open-source, as they keep enriching its public web libraries with open-source projects as components and ready-to-use interfaces.
In this collection, we are presenting open-source Vue dashboard and admin panels for developers, which will save them a huge deal of time for development and setup.
Why we have this collection?
- Personal use:
We usually use Vue in our work. So, we like to have a good collection of what we use. - Save developers a huge deal of time:
Having this collection will save developers time for search and comparing the Vue dashboard project. - Guide:
This list aims to create a useful, rich guide for developers to return to.
15 Open-source free Vue dashboards, control admin panels
1-Vuetify-based Dashboard Admin Panel
This is a free and open-source admin panel by FlatLogic. It uses Vuetify Material design Vue framework components. It features a responsive layout, Apex charts, login and logout logic, chat, error page, notification and more.
2- Element Dashboard and control panel
ElementUI is a fancy UI Vue toolkit, this elegant dashboard is a custom control panel which uses all ElementUI components with dozens of additional third-party components.
If you are a fan of ElementUI and in a hurry to create a dashboard, then this dashboard is your answer.
3- Vuestic-Admin
Vuestic-Admin is a professional-grade dashboard template for Vue, with +44 custom admin components.
It is a rich UI system developed by Epicmax and designed by Vasili Savitski. It offers color customization, a user-friendly code, responsive design, cross-browser support, and internationalization support.
4- CoreUI
CoreUI is a responsive multi-purpose admin panel based on Bootstrap 4 Framework.
It features SVG icon support, uses CoreUI as a base framework, has its own dedicated component library, and includes multiple chart libraries.
Although, the free version is rich, the pro version offers more component and features.
5- Vue Admin Template
Vue Admin is a simple open-source free admin panel which fit as a starter template for active developers.
The panel is built on top of vue-cli, and it is regularly updated.
6- Vue Material Dashboard
Many developers favor material design over other design systems. So, here is our second pick for Material-based dashboard. This panel is based on the free version of material panel product by Creative-tim.
It includes map support, customization panel, table support, icons, user profiles as more.
7- Sing App Vue Dashboard Control Panel
Sing App Dashboard is based in Bootstrap 4+ and offers a fancy customizable design system for building a complex dashboards for web apps.
It includes a responsive layout, table support, profile pages, maps components, icons support, hover sidebar.
Sing App comes in two versions, a light version and a pro (full version) which includes login pages, custom additional pages and more.
8- Vue TypeScript Admin Template
This dashboard is a handcrafted open-source project that speed up the production for TypeScript developers. It contains well-designed dashboard, informative blocks, charts, login and logout pages, internationalization (I18n), Dynamic theme support, dynamic sidebar, search, tags support, full-screen, Mock (dummy) data and PWA support.
It also offers WYSIWYG rich-text editor, Markdown editor and JSON editor.
Nevertheless, it extends to dynamic tables with inline edit, draggable cells and rows and more.
If you prefer using Vue with TypeScript, then we recommend putting this dashboard don top of your list.
9- Light Blue Vue Admin Panel Template
Light Blue is built on top of Vue and Bootstrap 4.5 CSS framework. It is the second theme on this list by Flatlogic which known for creating beautiful theme and templates.
Light Blue dashboard features a transparent style which looks stylish in big screens as well as tablets because of its outstanding responsive capabilities.
The dark blue background and half transplant information blocks on the dashboard makes it look professional, especially with SVG maps.
The Light Blue panel include several pages to demonstrate functionalities and its components as login, logout, notification, charts, icons, maps, tables, chat, error pages and more.
10- Star Admin Free Vue Admin Template
Star Admin is based on Vue, Bootstrap 4 framework. It offers a free and a pro version for developers and includes charts, several user pages, tables, SVG icons and more.
11- Vue Admin Template
This is yet another dashboard panel built with Vuetify, It features login, register, calendar view, charts, colors, email view, messages view, images view and profile pages.
It also includes customized error pages and settings page.
12- Vuetify Admin
Vuetify Admin is built (as its name suggests) on top of Vuetify, and it can be easily integrated with REST API, GraphQL or SOAP.
This admin panel supports several server-side features like authentication, form validation and comes with full internationalization support.
13- M-Dash Admin Dashboard
14- Empire Admin
Empire Admin is a work-in-progress open-source admin panel for Nuxt built on top of Bootstrap 4.
Empire Adminis responsive and comes with several starter pagers like login, profile page, calendar, inbox and more.
It offers a custom navigation and a route guards for authentication.
If you want to do something quick with Nuxt, then Empire Admin is your answer.
15- Purple Free Admin Template
Purple Admin is neat clean pleasant admin panel which offers two editions: free and pro. It includes a dashboard with custom blocks and charts, tables, icons, error pages and more.
16- Vue Notus
Vue Notus is another fancy product by Creative-tim team. It is built on top of Notus design system which also created by Creative-tim.
It uses Tailwind CSS as a CSS framework, and comes in two versions, free and pro edition with more enterprise-rich components.
17- Vue Paper Dashboard
Paper design system is another fancy product by Creative-tim which is also the base for this dashboard. Like the other product it comes in free and pro editions which features more components.
18- ArchitectUI Dashboard Vue Free
ArchitectUI is a beautiful simple bootstrap (5) dashboard panel template for Vue.
The free version features dozens of UI widgets and components which are easy to implement, customize and integrate.
However, if you want more features, you can easily upgrade to the pro edition.
As our list comes to an end, we hope we covered the best admin panel dashboards for Vue to save time and effort of our readers. We recommend choosing the ones which gets regular updates and packed by a good community.
If you know of any other open-source Vue dashboard and control panel admin templates, please let us know in the comments blew.