Pentest Tools Framework: Open-Source Exploit and Vulnerability Scanner for Web Security Experts and Beginners
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Pentest Tools Framework is a database of exploits, Scanners and tools for penetration testing. Pentest is a powerful framework includes a lot of tools for beginners. You can explore kernel vulnerabilities, network vulnerabilities
It is written in Python and uses some Perl, Ruby and PHP scripts.
It includes a variety of modules for network scanning, web application testing, vulnerability detection, and exploitation.
Key features include automated reconnaissance, password cracking, network sniffing, and exploit testing tools.
The framework simplifies the process of conducting security assessments by offering these tools in an organized and user-friendly interface, making it useful for security professionals looking to identify vulnerabilities across different attack surfaces.
Included Modules
Command | Rank | Description |
exploit/webmin_packageup_rce | excellent | Webmin Package Updates Remote Command Execution |
exploit/shellshock | good | cgi-bin/vulnerable shellshock |
exploit/dns_bruteforce | high | DNS Bruteforce with nmap |
exploit/jenkins_script_console | good | Jenkins-CI Script-Console Java Execution |
exploit/cisco_ucs_rce | excellent | Cisco UCS Director Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution |
exploit/eternalblue | good | MS17-010 EternalBlue SMB Remote Windows Kernel Pool Corruption |
exploit/openssl_heartbleed | high | Dump OpenSSL Heartbleed |
exploit/web_delivery | good | Script Web Delivery |
exploit/inject_html | normal | Inject HTML code in all visited webpages |
exploit/android_remote_access | expert | Remote Access Administrator (RAT) |
exploit/auto_sql | good | Auto with SQLMap |
exploit/restrict_anonymous | normal | Obtain credentials |
exploit/abrt_privilege_escalation | normal | ABRT - sosreport Privilege Escalation |
exploit/vbulletin_rce | good | vBulletin 5.x 0day pre-auth RCE exploit |
exploit/smb | good | Arbitrary Samba exploit |
exploit/cmsms_showtime2_rce | normal | CMS Made Simple Showtime2 File Upload RCE |
exploit/tp_link_dos | normal | TP_LINK DOS, 150M Wireless Lite N Router, Model No. TL-WR740N |
exploit/robots | normal | robots.txt Detected |
exploit/cpanel_bruteforce | normal | cPanel Bruteforce |
exploit/shakescreen | high | Shaking Web Browser content |
exploit/php_thumb_shell_upload | good | PHP Shell Uploads |
exploit/bluekeep | good | CVE-2019-0708 BlueKeep RCE |
exploit/sonicwall | normal | Sonicwall SRA <= v8.1.0.2-14sv Remote Exploit |
exploit/samba | good | Samba Exploits |
exploit/cisco_dcnm_upload_2019 | excellent | Cisco Data Center Network Manager Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution |
exploit/awind_snmp_exec | good | AwindInc SNMP Service Command Injection |
exploit/enumeration | high | Simple Enumeration |
exploit/dos_attack | normal | Hping3 DOS attack |
exploit/wp_symposium_shell_upload | good | Symposium Shell Upload |
exploit/joomla_com_hdflayer | manual | Joomla Exploit HDFlayer |
exploit/joomla0day_com_myngallery | good | Exploits com Myngallery |
exploit/inject_javascript | normal | Inject JavaScript code in all visited webpages |
exploit/apache | good | Apache Exploit |
exploit/davtest | good | Testing Tool for WebDAV Server |
exploit/joomla_com_foxcontact | high | Joomla FoxContact |
exploit/ldap_buffer_overflow | normal | Apache Module mod_rewrite LDAP Protocol Buffer Overflow |
exploit/joomla_simple_shell | high | Joomla Simple Shell |
exploit/bypass_waf | normal | Bypass WAF |
exploit/cms_rce | normal | CMS Made Simple 2.2.7 - (Authenticated) Remote Code Execution |
exploit/joomla_comfields_sqli_rce | high | Joomla Component Fields SQLi Remote Code Execution |
exploit/power_dos | manual | Denial of Service |
exploit/zenworks_configuration | excellent | Novell ZENworks Configuration Management Arbitrary File Upload |
exploit/samsung_knox_smdm_url | good | Samsung Galaxy KNOX Android Browser RCE |
Included Security Scanners
Command | Rank | Description |
scanner/enumiax | good | protocol username enumeration |
scanner/wordpress_user_dislosure | normal | WordPress 5.3 User Disclosure |
scanner/botnet_scanning | normal | Botnet Scanning, first need to find the botnet IP |
scanner/check_ssl_certificate | normal | SSL Certificate Checker |
scanner/http_services | normal | Gather page titles from HTTP services |
scanner/dnsrecon | normal | DNS Record Enumeration |
scanner/sslscan | normal | SSL Scanner |
scanner/ssl_cert | normal | Nmap script ssl-cert |
scanner/dns_zone_transfer | normal | DNS Zone Transfer |
scanner/dns_bruteforce | normal | DNS Bruteforce |
scanner/zone_walking | normal | Zone Walking |
scanner/web_services | normal | Get HTTP headers of web services |
scanner/http_enum | normal | Find web apps from known paths |
scanner/ddos_reflectors | normal | Scan for UDP DDoS reflectors |
scanner/grabbing_detection | normal | Light banner grabbing detection |
scanner/discovery | normal | Scan selected ports - ignore discovery |
scanner/bluekeep | good | CVE-2019-0708 BlueKeep Microsoft Remote Desktop RCE Check |
scanner/drupal_scan | good | Drupal Scanner |
scanner/eternalblue | good | SMB RCE Detection |
scanner/header | good | Header Scanner with Nmap |
scanner/firewalk | good | Firewalk |
scanner/whois | high | Whois Information Gathering |
scanner/dmitry | good | Information Gathering Tool |
scanner/admin_finder | normal | Admin Finder |
scanner/heartbleed | normal | Heartbleed Vulnerability Scanner |
scanner/wordpress_scan | normal | WordPress Scanner |
scanner/ssl_scanning | good | SSL Vulnerability Scanning |
scanner/dns_bruteforce | normal | DNS Bruteforce |
scanner/nmap_scanner | normal | Port Scanners Nmap |
scanner/https_discover | normal | HTTPS Discover |
scanner/smb_scanning | good | Scan Vulnerable SMB Server |
scanner/joomla_vulnerability_scanners | high | Joomla Vulnerability Scanners |
scanner/mysql_empty_password | good | MySQL Empty Password Detection |
scanner/joomla_scanners_v.2 | good | Joomla Scanning |
scanner/joomla_scanners_v3 | normal | Joomla Scanning |
scanner/jomscan_v4 | good | Scan Joomla |
scanner/webdav_scan | normal | WebDAV Scan Vulnerabilities |
scanner/joomla_sqli_scanners | high | Joomla SQLi Vulnerability Scanners |
scanner/lfi_scanners | good | Local File Inclusion (LFI) Bug Scanning |
scanner/port_scanners | manual | Port Scan |
scanner/dir_search | high | Directory Web Scanning |
scanner/dir_bruteforce | good | Directory Scanning |
scanner/wordpress_user_scan | good | Get WordPress Username |
scanner/cms_war | high | Full Scan All Websites |
scanner/usr_pro_wordpress_auto_find | normal | Find WordPress User Vulnerability |
scanner/nmap_vuln | normal | Vulnerability Scanner |
scanner/xss_scaner | normal | XSS Vulnerability Detection |
scanner/spaghetti | high | Web Application Security Scanner |
scanner/dnslookup | normal | DNS Lookup Scan |
scanner/reverse_dns | normal | Reverse DNS Lookup |
scanner/domain_map | normal | Domain Map Scanner |
scanner/dns_report | normal | DNS Report |
scanner/find_shared_dns | normal | Find Shared DNS Servers |
scanner/golismero | normal | Vulnerability Scanning with Golismero |
scanner/dns_propagation | low | DNS Propagation |
scanner/find_records | normal | Find DNS Records |
scanner/cloud_flare | normal | CloudFlare Scanner |
scanner/extract_links | normal | Link Extractor |
scanner/web_robot | normal | Web Robots Scanner |
scanner/enumeration | normal | HTTP Enumeration |
scanner/ip_locator | good | IP Locator |
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