Servas - Free Self-hosted Bookmark Management Tool.

Servas - Free Self-hosted Bookmark Management Tool.

Introducing Servas, a self-hosted bookmark management tool that brings organization to your digital spaces. Built on Laravel and Inertia.js, Servas utilizes Tailwind CSS and Svelte for a sleek, user-friendly frontend.

But what truly sets Servas apart are its features. It offers a robust tagging system that allows you to sort and categorize your bookmarks with ease, bringing a new level of order to your online resources. No more endless scrolling or searching to find that one page you saved.

Even more, Servas provides the capability to group your bookmarks. This function is enhanced with the ability to create nested groups, adding another layer of organization that can be customized to fit your specific needs.

In conclusion, if you're looking for a tool that can bring order to your digital clutter, consider trying Servas. Its advanced features and user-friendly design make managing your bookmarks a breeze.


  • Tags: Organize your bookmarks with tags.
  • Groups: Group your bookmarks. Groups can be nested.
  • Later list: Add bookmarks to the "later list" to access them later.
  • Chrome browser extension: Add sites to Servas right from your browser.
  • Multiple users: You can create multiple user accounts.
  • Responsive design: Servas looks good on all your devices.
  • Two Factor Authentication available.
  • Easy to install using Docker



Servas is available as an official Docker image.

The preferred way to use Servas is in combination with a MariaDB container.
You can find the example files here:

The Docker image also supports SQLite. This variant does not need an additional database container.
You can find the example files here:

Initial steps:

  1. Create .env file in the directory where the docker-compose.yaml is located.
  2. Copy the content of the example env file into the .env file.
  3. Change the APP_URL.
  4. Use a strong password for the DB_PASSWORD setting (only required if Servas is used with MariaDB).
  5. Start the containers with docker-compose up -d.
  6. Generate the application key:

docker exec -it servas php artisan key:generate --force

  1. Restart the containers with docker-compose restart.
  2. Open your browser and create a user account at https://your-servas-instance/register.



  • PHP 8.1
  • MariaDB, MySQL or SQLite
  • Git
  • Node.js
  • Composer
  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Install the Composer packages.

composer install --optimize-autoloader --no-dev

  1. Install the npm packages.

npm install

  1. Compile the assets.

npm run build

  1. Create .env file from the .env.example file.
  2. Change the settings in the .env file according to your needs.
  3. If you are using SQLite, you must remove the MySQL section in the .env file and uncomment the SQLite section.
  4. Run the database migrations.

php artisan migrate

  1. Generate the application key.

php artisan key:generate


AGPL-3.0 License

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