Snipe-IT:Free Libre Warehouse and Asset Management System
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Snipe-IT is a free web-based inventory and warehouse management system. It is open-source and self-hosted cloud solution that companies can download and install it on their private hostings.
As it is built to support multiple users and locations, Snipe-IT is a good option for companies with active and dynamic operations like shipping companies.
The system is built with PHP using Laravel PHP framework and it uses several open-source libraries.

Snipe-IT is developed and packed by a large community of developers. It is also under active development and continuous upgrade.

Snipe-IT offers advanced asset management, license management and QR code and barcode generator which make it useful to manage different types of assets especially for hospitals, IT back-office support, and factories.

The system has a simple design that ease new user and improve customer experience especially with its smooth learning curve.
System admins have a full control over locations, user, user groups, permissions and security settings.
The software package Snipe-IT can be downloaded from its GitHub repository and installed on Windows or Linux server. It can be installed on Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch, Debian and FreeBSD.
Although, downloading, installing and using Snipe-IT is completely free, professional support is not. It costs about $450/ annually for enterprise customers.
- Cross-platform
- Informative real-time dashboard
- Asset tag manager
- Asset manager
- Full-text search support
- Field filtering
- Developer-friendly REST-API
- Frequent updates and bug-fixes
- Trusted by customers from all over the globe
- Email Notification
- Multi-lingual support
- Admin dashboard to track recent activities
- Slack integration
- Asset auditing
- QR code generator
- Barcode generator
- License management
- Guarantee warranty management
- History manager
- Digital signature support
- Import/ Export assets to many formats
- Asset tracking
- Backup generation
- Charts and diagrams
- Settings and configuration manager
- History/ log manager
- System notification
- Pre-defined kits
- LDAP login support
- SAML login integration
- Checkout/ check-in tracking
- Maintenance tracking
- One-click check-in
In addition to its rich-features list, Snipe-IT has many security custom features that protect the system from many security threats.
Snipe-IT security features are classified under 3 categories: 1- Features which embedded in the software, 2- Process custom features and 3- Platform-specific features.
Here are some of its secure features:
- Two-Factor Authentication with Google Authenticator
- Granular user-roles restricting access
- CSRF protection using form tokens
- Cookie options for HttpOnly and encryption
- Brute force prevention on login attempts
- Encrypted fields secured via with AES-256 encryption vis OpenSSL
- Middleware to enforce nosniff and SAMEORIGIN X-Frame-Options
- Input validation and output sanitization to prevent XSS
- Middleware to enforce a Content Security Policy (CSP)
- One-way secure password hashing with bcrypt
- Option to enforce password minimum requirements
- SQL injection prevention using prepared statements
Language support

Snipe-IT is translated from English to dozens of languages which include Arabic, Turkish, Bulgarian, Chinese (Simplified and traditional), Russian, Czech, Danish, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, German, Estonian, French, Filipino, Finnish, Hebrew, Latvian, Korean, Japanese, Romanian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish and more.
- PHP >= 7.2.0 (7.3+ is highly recommended)
- Several PHP extensions: JSON, OpenSSL, PDO, Mbstring, Tokenizer, MySQL, LDAP, PHPZIP, Fileinfo, PHP BCMath, PHP XML.
- MariaDB or MySQL
- GD Library or Imagick PHP extension
- Mod Rewrite
- PHP Manager for IIS (Windows Server)
- Composer (for Windows and Linux Server)
Composer is required to install Snipe-IT for all systems (Linux and Windows)
Snipe-IT is released AGPL (GNU Affero General Public License v3.0). This specific license support commercial use, modification, distribution, patent use and private use.
However, AGPL v3.0 comes with liability and warranty limitations. Besides, it has several conditions to use like: License and copyright notice, state changes, disclose source, network use is distribution and should use the dame license.