Taskline: manage your tasks with style

Taskline: manage your tasks with style

Table of Content

If you are a digital minimalist, you are most likely using or at least tried Taskwarrior; a command-line minimal yet features-rich to-do app.

Taskline is a new stylish successor for Taskwarrior with less complicated learning curve. Taskline turns your terminal into a powerful task management tool without a hustle.

Unlike Taskwarrior, It features board and timeline view with a set of useful features that include backup option and better control over tasks list.  

It's a minimal lightweight application that does not require extensive hardware resources to run.

Taskline (src. Taskline)

Recently, I switched to SolusOS from Manjaro Linux, It didn't take much to migrate my Taskline data from Manjaro to SolusOS. I also installed it easily using Snap.


  1. Lightweight
  2. Cross-platform (Windows, Linux and macOS)
  3. Tasks organization
  4. Board view
  5. Timeline view
  6. Search filter
  7. Task priority and bookmarking (favorite/ star)
  8. Task copy and move option
  9. Task note
  10. Sorting tasks by IDs (refactor)
  11. Statistics (Done, in-progress, pending, with note, and percentage of tasks)
  12. Progress overview
  13. Restore deleted items
  14. one-file configuration .taskline.json
  15. one-file data storage .taskline/storage
  16. customer storage location
  17. Save tasks to Google Firebase
  18. Task synch across devices with Google Firebase support
  19. Custom color themes
  20. Time tracking for tasks
  21. Multi-languages support

Install Taskline

Taskline can be installed as NPM package globally on any system with Node/ NPM installed. Here is how you can install it.

npm install --global @perryrh0dan/taskline

yarn global add @perryrh0dan/taskline

If you are using Linux with Snap package manager, you can install it with one command

snap install taskline

#  set alias 

snap alias taskline tl


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