WackoWiki is an Outstanding Open-source Wiki Engine

What is WackoWiki?

WackoWiki is a free, open-source light and easy to install multilingual Wiki-engine.

It supports WYTIWYG-editing, page rights (ACLs), design themes (skins), file upload, email notification and much more. Compatible with PHP 7.3 - 8.1 and MariaDB / MySQL.

WackoWiki features

  • Easy installer
  • Full revision control
  • Powerful diff between revisions
  • Purge option
  • Comes with a built-in rich WYTIWYG
  • Trash certain pages and posts
  • Access control through per-page access control lists
  • What You Think Is What You Get editing
  • Integrated page commenting functionality
  • Page watching & email notification on changes/comments
  • Design themes (skins) support
  • Several cache levels
  • Uploads per page or global
  • Clusters & relative addressing
  • Automatic table of contents generation
  • On-the-fly correction of punctual typos & spec. characters
  • Completely multilingual
  • Full UTF-8 support
  • URI router
  • Template engine
  • Session handler
  • SEO-friendly
  • Offers a print version
  • One-click clone
  • Add keywords and tags per page
  • Manage page attachments
  • Manage page referrers
  • Built-in notification system
  • Advanced user management system
  • Designer-friendly: Easy to build template and themes
  • Built-in data synchronization engine
  • Send a mass email easily
  • Manage bad behavior through a unique extension.
  • Create user groups
  • Comes with a built-in statistics engine that allows admins, content creators to track everything



The project is released under the BSD-3-Clause license.


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