WinNMP is a Nginx MariaDB, Redis, PHP 8 Development Stack for Windows
Table of Content
What is WinNMP?
WinNMP is a development stack for Windows that includes Nginx, MariaDB, Redis, and Php 8. It is a lightweight and stable server stack for developing PHP MySQL applications, serving as an alternative to XAMPP and WAMP.
- Easy to upgrade! Backups, configuration files, database data, included libraries and projects are persistent during upgrades (not overwritten)
- A single installer for both x86 and x64 systems
- Lightning-fast web server. Optimized for best performance
- PORTABLE: you can move it to a different location, configuration files are updated automatically
- For easy access, all configuration files are stored in one place
- Multiple PHP Versions and version switcher. Dynamic number of php-cgi processes.
- The server manager runs minimized in the system tray and monitors, logs and restarts crashed servers, just like php-fpm on Linux
- Project setup, Local Virtual Servers for projects, Upload, Sync and Browse with WinSCP
- Optional MySQL database daily backups
Included packages
- Nginx web server
- MariaDB 10 database server, mysql replacement (32/64bit)
- MongoDB 4 document-based database (64bit)
- Redis Cache/NoSql, memcached alternative (64bit)
- Php 5.6 & PHP 7.2 & PHP 7.3 & PHP 7.4 scripting language (32/64bit)
- WinSCP SFTP client
- HTTPS using free LetsEncrypt certificates
- Composer dependency manager for php
- Adminer web based database manager
- Reg.php regular expressions tester
- WTServer Manager (32/64bit), formerly known as *wt-nmp*
PHP License, GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPLv3)