Beyond Laravel: Exploring 30 Open-Source PHP Frameworks for Dynamic Web Development

Beyond Laravel: Exploring 30 Open-Source PHP Frameworks for Dynamic Web Development
Photo by KOBU Agency / Unsplash

Despite the popularity of Laravel, often hailed as the leading PHP framework due to its robust ecosystem, enterprise support, and community, numerous developers still prefer using other PHP frameworks for their applications.

In this list, we will shed some light about other PHP frameworks that does not have the same popularity as Laravel, yet they have loyal communities of enterprise developers.

Yii 2

Yii 2 is a modern, flexible PHP framework that is fast, secure, and efficient. It comes pre-configured with reasonable defaults but can be easily adjusted to meet specific needs. It requires a minimum PHP version of 5.4, but works best with PHP 8.

Yii Framework
GitHub - yiisoft/yii2: Yii 2: The Fast, Secure and Professional PHP Framework
Yii 2: The Fast, Secure and Professional PHP Framework - yiisoft/yii2


Leaf is a PHP framework that simplifies the PHP language structure for easier creation of web apps and APIs. Despite the benefits of other PHP frameworks, they can have drawbacks such as a steep learning curve, performance overhead, code maintenance challenges, limited flexibility, and compatibility issues. Leaf aims to tackle these problems.


  • Simplifies PHP language structure
  • Enables rapid development of high-performance web applications and APIs
  • Low barrier to entry, ideal for PHP newbies
  • Lightweight source of about 30kb
  • Enables high developer productivity
  • Powered by modules for independent installation of specific functionality
  • Easy to use features
  • High compatibility with other libraries and frameworks
  • Scalable for any project size

GitHub - leafsphp/leaf: 🍁 The easiest way to create clean, simple but powerful web apps and APIs quickly
🍁 The easiest way to create clean, simple but powerful web apps and APIs quickly - leafsphp/leaf


Medoo is a lightweight PHP database framework designed to accelerate development. It is portable, easy to use, and supports various common and complex SQL queries. It is compatible with multiple databases like MySQL, MSSQL, SQLite, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Sybase, Oracle, and works well with every PHP framework. It is free under the MIT license.

GitHub - catfan/Medoo: The lightweight PHP database framework to accelerate the development.
The lightweight PHP database framework to accelerate the development. - catfan/Medoo

Easy PHP

Easy PHP is an open-source PHP framework that focuses on building re-usable modules for large scalable projects. It features MCL, Vue.js, ORM, and NoSQL support.

GitHub - TIGERB/easy-php: A Faster Lightweight Full-Stack PHP Framework :rocket:
A Faster Lightweight Full-Stack PHP Framework :rocket: - TIGERB/easy-php

Fuel PHP

Fuel PHP Framework is a fast, simple, and flexible PHP 5.4+ framework that incorporates the best ideas from other frameworks. It supports MVC and HMVC architectures, and also includes ViewModels. It also supports a router-based approach where routes can be directed to a closure. The latest version, 1.8.2, includes bug fixes and improvements, including a fix for security issue SEC-CORE-009.

FuelPHP » A simple, flexible, community driven PHP5.3 framework. public website


DinoPHP is a web application framework with expressive. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experience. DinoPHP takes the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in many web projects

GitHub - DinoPHP/DinoPHP: DinoPHP is a web application framework
DinoPHP is a web application framework. Contribute to DinoPHP/DinoPHP development by creating an account on GitHub.


Octopy is a lightweight PHP web framework inspired by Laravel, aimed at enabling faster project development by providing a rich set of libraries for common tasks. However, Laravel has surpassed Octopy in speed and maturity, and due to security concerns and lack of developer activity, Octopy may be left without updates. Despite this, Octopy remains a viable option due to its small size and lack of dependency on other packages.

Octopy is right for you if:

  • You are not interested in large framework like Laravel.
  • You eschew complexity, favoring simple solutions.
  • You want a framework with a small footprint.
  • You want a framework with zero dependencies.
  • You want to make things that are often made quickly.

Do not use this if:

  • You need a full production-ready solution.
  • You prefer not to work with potential breaking changes and/or features not yet working properly as we improve it during alpha period.
GitHub - OctopyID/OctopyFramework: A lightweight PHP framework with Laravel look like.
A lightweight PHP framework with Laravel look like. - OctopyID/OctopyFramework

Dappur PHP Framework

Dappur is a PHP application framework built using Slim, Twig, Eloquent, and Sentinel. It offers features like database interactions, user management, form validation with CSRF protection, cookie management, database controlled config, CMS integration, blog, SEO, oauth2 login, and two-factor authentication. It aims to provide a fast and reliable platform for PHP developers to build their apps.

GitHub - dappur/framework: A stylish PHP application framework crafted using Slim, Twig, Eloquent and Sentinel designed to get you from clone to production in a matter of minutes.
A stylish PHP application framework crafted using Slim, Twig, Eloquent and Sentinel designed to get you from clone to production in a matter of minutes. - dappur/framework


Miyaave is a single backend to integrate with both web and mobile application . It helps to reduce the time & development and also fast , simple stepups . We believe that development should be an enjoyable and constructive experience to be truly fulfilling .

Miyaaveis suitable for both small to large application .

GitHub - miyaave/MiyaaVe: The PHP Framework is a fast, simple and flexible PHP framework, born from the best ideas of other frameworks, with a fresh start!
The PHP Framework is a fast, simple and flexible PHP framework, born from the best ideas of other frameworks, with a fresh start! - miyaave/MiyaaVe


Apiato is a PHP framework designed for building scalable and testable API-centric applications. It is built on Laravel and uses Porto, a new architectural pattern. It aims to facilitate faster API development by providing various tools and functionalities.


  • Developer-friendly documentation
  • Query manager and builder
  • Data Caching
  • OAuth2.0 Authentication
  • Role-Based Access Control
  • API Documentations generator
  • Hash ID Support
  • Pagination, Limit & Offset
  • Auto ID hashing
  • API versioning
  • Localization
  • Performance Profiler
  • Code generator
  • Shallow ETag
  • Social Authentication
  • Social Authentication
  • Query Parameters support
  • Multiple Response Payload Formats (JSON, Data Array & Pure Data)
GitHub - apiato/apiato: PHP Framework for building scalable API’s on top of Laravel.
PHP Framework for building scalable API’s on top of Laravel. - apiato/apiato


Koseven is an open-source, object-oriented HMVC framework created with PHP7 by a team of volunteers. It aims to be fast, secure, and compact, and is nearly fully compatible with the defunct Kohana 3.3.X. Koseven can be legally used for any open-source, commercial, or personal project under a BSD license.

GitHub - koseven/koseven: Koseven a Kohana fork compatible with PHP7
Koseven a Kohana fork compatible with PHP7. Contribute to koseven/koseven development by creating an account on GitHub.


Cheese is a minima lightweight PHP framework. It is recommended for small and minimal projects. It also lack the documentation and support.

GitHub - cheese-framework/cheese: This is a lightweight PHP development framework
This is a lightweight PHP development framework. Contribute to cheese-framework/cheese development by creating an account on GitHub.

Arctos Framework

Arctos Framework is a free, open-source, flexible, and lightweight PHP framework.


  • Easy to use configuration file
  • User authentication
  • Ticketing
    • Create tickets
    • Update tickets
  • User action logging
  • Pretty urls
  • Model View Controller based routing
GitHub - MillieOfzo/ArctosFramework: Arctos Framework
Arctos Framework. Contribute to MillieOfzo/ArctosFramework development by creating an account on GitHub.


Pinatra is a PHP version of Sinatra, designed for rapid web application development with minimal effort. It is currently still in its initial development phase.

GitHub - Pinatra/Pinatra: A PHP copy of Sinatra: a DSL for quickly creating web applications in PHP with minimal effort.
A PHP copy of Sinatra: a DSL for quickly creating web applications in PHP with minimal effort. - Pinatra/Pinatra

OnceBuilder (Not a Framework)

OnceBuilder is a dynamic PMS/CMS/CMF/IDE that is highly customizable and user-friendly. It is fully responsive, lightweight, fast, and compatible with most major browsers. It also supports Glyphicons, Fontawesome, and Ion icons.

GitHub - oncebuilder/OnceBuilder: OnceBuilder - managment tool, mange projects, templates, plugins in one place.
OnceBuilder - managment tool, mange projects, templates, plugins in one place. - oncebuilder/OnceBuilder


miniPHP is a simple PHP MVC framework skeleton, ideal for small projects. It encapsulates features such as authentication, authorization, data encryption, security concepts, sanitization, validation, and ajax calls. It aims to simplify the complexity of other frameworks, making it easy to install, understand, and use.

GitHub - OmarElgabry/miniPHP: A small, simple PHP MVC framework skeleton that encapsulates a lot of features surrounded with powerful security layers.
A small, simple PHP MVC framework skeleton that encapsulates a lot of features surrounded with powerful security layers. - OmarElgabry/miniPHP


Slim is a PHP micro framework that helps you quickly write simple yet powerful web applications and APIs.

GitHub - slimphp/Slim: Slim is a PHP micro framework that helps you quickly write simple yet powerful web applications and APIs.
Slim is a PHP micro framework that helps you quickly write simple yet powerful web applications and APIs. - slimphp/Slim


PHBeam is a simple, fast PHP micro-framework with no admin panel, storing data and config in PHP or JSON files. It's suitable for building sites with dozens of pages and small product catalogs or galleries. It requires a web server with PHP >= 5.4 and does not require a database.

GitHub - nikomtis/phbeam: Simple and fast PHP micro-framework
Simple and fast PHP micro-framework. Contribute to nikomtis/phbeam development by creating an account on GitHub.


Symfony is a popular PHP framework for web and console applications, offering a set of reusable PHP components. It is widely used in thousands of web applications and popular PHP projects.

GitHub - symfony/symfony: The Symfony PHP framework
The Symfony PHP framework. Contribute to symfony/symfony development by creating an account on GitHub.


CodeIgniter is a powerful PHP framework with a very small footprint, built for developers who need a simple and elegant toolkit to create full-featured web applications.

GitHub - bcit-ci/CodeIgniter: Open Source PHP Framework (originally from EllisLab)
Open Source PHP Framework (originally from EllisLab) - bcit-ci/CodeIgniter


Phalcon is an open-source web framework for PHP, delivered as a C extension, offering high performance and lower resource consumption. It is written in Zephir/C with platform independence, making it available on Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, and macOS.

GitHub - phalcon/cphalcon: High performance, full-stack PHP framework delivered as a C extension.
High performance, full-stack PHP framework delivered as a C extension. - phalcon/cphalcon

Spiral Framework

Spiral Framework is a high-performance, full-stack framework with over sixty PSR-compatible components. Its execution model is based on a hybrid runtime, with some services handled by the RoadRunner application server, while the PHP code of the application remains in memory permanently.


  • Battle-tested since 2013
  • Lightning fast full-stack PHP framework
  • PSR-{3,4,7,11,12,14,15,16,17} compliant
  • Powerful application server and resident memory application kernel
  • Native support of queue (AMQP, SQS, Beanstalk, Kafka) and background PHP workers
  • Queue supervision
  • GRPC server and client via RoadRunner bridge
  • Pub/Sub, event broadcasting
  • HTTPS, HTTP/2+Push, FastCGI
  • PCI DSS compliant
  • Encrypted cookies, signed sessions, CSRF-guard
  • MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, PostgreSQL, SQLServer support, auto-migrations
  • The ORM you will use for the next 25 years
  • The Temporalio is the simple, scalable open source way to write and run reliable workflows
  • Intuitive scaffolding and prototyping (it literally writes code for you)
  • Helpful class discovery via static analysis
  • Authentication, RBAC security, validation, and encryption
  • Dynamic template engine to create your own HTML tags (or just use Twig)
  • MVC, HMVC, CQRS, Queue-oriented, RPC-oriented, CLI apps... any apps
GitHub - spiral/framework: High-Performance PHP Framework
High-Performance PHP Framework. Contribute to spiral/framework development by creating an account on GitHub.


Pion is a lightweight PHP Framework.


  • Minimalistic: Provides a basic set of tools and avoids unnecessary components
  • Customizable: Designed to allow replacement of almost any internal component
  • Muggle principle: Reduces the amount of "magic" and promotes an obvious flow
  • Supports IoC/DI: Supports principles of control inversion
  • Foolproof: Protects from accidental typos, simplifies renaming of parameters
  • Easy configuration: Simple configuration process without yaml/json/associative arrays
GitHub - ChrisGalliano/Pion: A lightweight PHP Framework
A lightweight PHP Framework. Contribute to ChrisGalliano/Pion development by creating an account on GitHub.

FEAST Framework

FEAST Framework is a PHP framework that is Fast, Easy, Agile, Slim, and Tested. It is designed for creating projects in a straightforward manner. More detailed information can be found at the FeastFramework.

GitHub - FeastFramework/framework: FEAST Framework
FEAST Framework. Contribute to FeastFramework/framework development by creating an account on GitHub.


Flare framework is a PHP full-stack web framework that is simple ,powerful , fast , flexible, and secure with long-term support.

GitHub - flare-framework/Flare: Flare framework is a PHP full-stack web framework that is simple ,powerful , fast , flexible, and secure with long-term support.
Flare framework is a PHP full-stack web framework that is simple ,powerful , fast , flexible, and secure with long-term support. - flare-framework/Flare

li₃ (Aka Lithium)

li₃ is a fast and flexible PHP development framework. It's the first major PHP framework built entirely for PHP 5.3+ and has introduced new technologies, such as bridging relational and non-relational databases through a unified API.

li₃ allows growth from the framework into custom code as per application's lifecycle needs. It takes advantage of the latest PHP features, including namespaces, late static binding, and closures, and complies with the PSR-4 PHP namespacing standard for easy integration with other PHP libraries and frameworks.

GitHub - UnionOfRAD/lithium: li₃ is the fast, flexible and most RAD development framework for PHP
li₃ is the fast, flexible and most RAD development framework for PHP - UnionOfRAD/lithium

Fat-Free Framework

Fat-Free Framework is a powerful, easy-to-use PHP micro-framework for building dynamic web applications. It features a lightweight code base, fast setup, and a no-nonsense approach to web application development.

It requires no complex configuration or directory structures, and includes features such as a high-performance URL routing, multi-protocol cache engine, built-in code highlighting, and support for multilingual applications.

GitHub - bcosca/fatfree: A powerful yet easy-to-use PHP micro-framework designed to help you build dynamic and robust Web applications - fast!
A powerful yet easy-to-use PHP micro-framework designed to help you build dynamic and robust Web applications - fast! - bcosca/fatfree
Fat-Free Framework for PHP
A powerful yet easy-to-use PHP micro-framework designed to help you build dynamic and robust web applications - fast!


PRADO is a PHP framework suitable for developing highly interactive web applications, ranging from simple blog systems to complex content management systems or e-commerce solutions.

It promotes object-oriented programming and fits well for team work and enterprise development. PRADO offers many features including pluggable web controls, complete database support, AJAX support, theme and skin, internationalization and localization, various caching solutions, security measures, object extensions with behaviors, composer integration with plugins, cron task manager, RBAC permissions, and a command line application interface.

GitHub - pradosoft/prado: Prado - Component Framework for PHP
Prado - Component Framework for PHP. Contribute to pradosoft/prado development by creating an account on GitHub.
PRADO PHP Framework


PHPixie is a popular fullstack PHP framework known for its high performance and strict architecture that avoids common pitfalls, making the code easy to read, debug, extend, and test. It provides full control over execution flow and is easy to learn and master. The PHPixie community is supportive, with quick responses in chat, and the framework's documentation is comprehensive, regularly updated with tutorial videos.

PHPixie - Modern, Fast and Secure PHP Framework
GitHub - PHPixie/Project: A lightweight MVC PHP framework designed for speed and simplicty
A lightweight MVC PHP framework designed for speed and simplicty - PHPixie/Project
PHPixie has 43 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.

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