27 Free and Open-source Instagram Scrapping Solutions and Media Downloaders
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Instagram scraping, also known as Instagram data scraping, refers to the process of extracting data from Instagram. It involves using automated tools or scripts to gather information from Instagram profiles, posts, comments, hashtags, and other relevant data points.
Instagram scraping can be used for various purposes, such as market research, competitor analysis, social media analytics, content curation, and more. By scraping Instagram data, users can gain insights into user behavior, trends, engagement metrics, and demographics.
However, it's important to note that scraping Instagram data is against Instagram's terms of service. Instagram strictly prohibits scraping activities and actively takes measures to prevent it. Engaging in scraping without proper authorization can lead to account suspension or legal consequences.
Therefore, it is crucial to respect Instagram's policies and use authorized methods to access and analyze data on the platform.
Here in this post, we offer you the best open-source usable tools and scripts to download and scrap Instagram contents, photos, videos, reals and profile data.
1- Instamancer
- TypeScript
Instamancer is a new type of scraping tool that leverages Puppeteer's ability to intercept requests made by a webpage to an API.
- Scrape hashtags, users' posts, and individual posts
- Download images, albums, and videos
- Output JSON, CSV
- Batch scraping
- Search hashtags, users, and locations
- API response validation
- Upload files to S3 and depot
- Plugins
Extracted data
- Text
- Timestamps
- Tagged users
- Accessibility captions
- Like counts
- Comment counts
- Images (Thumbnails, Dimensions, URLs)
- Videos (URL, View count, Duration)
- Comments (Timestamp, Text, Like count, User)
- User (Username, Full name, Profile picture, Profile privacy)
- Location (Name, Street, Zip code, City, Region, Country)
- Sponsored status
- Gating information
- Fact checking information
2- instaloader
This Python script allows you to download pictures (or videos) along with their captions and other metadata from Instagram.
Here is what this script can do:
- downloads public and private profiles, hashtags, user stories, feeds and saved media,
- downloads comments, geotags and captions of each post,
- automatically detects profile name changes and renames the target directory accordingly,
- allows fine-grained customization of filters and where to store downloaded media,
- automatically resumes previously-interrupted download iterations.
3- Tadashi

Tadashi is an online web-app that allows you to download Instagram photos and videos.
4- Instagram PHP Scraper
This library is based on the Instagram web version. We develop it because nowadays, it is hard to get an approved Instagram application. The purpose is to support every feature that the web desktop and mobile version support.
5- instagrapi
The fastest and powerful Python library for Instagram Private API 2023.
- Getting public data of user, posts, stories, highlights, followers and following users
- Getting public email and phone number, if the user specified them in his business profile
- Getting public data of post, story, album, Reels, IGTV data and the ability to download content
- Getting public data of hashtag and location data, as well as a list of posts for them
- Getting public data of all comments on a post and a list of users who liked it
- Management of proxy servers, mobile devices and challenge resolver
- Login by username and password, sessionid and support 2FA
- Managing messages and threads for Direct and attach files
- Download and upload a Photo, Video, IGTV, Reels, Albums and Stories
- Work with Users, Posts, Comments, Insights, Collections, Location and Hashtag
- Insights by account, posts and stories
- Like, following, commenting, editing account (Bio) and much more else
6- InstaLooter
InstaLooter is a program that can download any picture or video associated from an Instagram profile, without any API access.
7- Toutatis (Python)
Toutatis is a tool that allows you to extract information from Instagram accounts such as e-mails, phone numbers and more
8- Instagram-Scraper
This scraper uses requests_html
which requires python 3.6 or higher runtime.
9- Instagram user feed PHP
This is a scrapper to easily fetch any feed and interact with Instagram (like, follow, etc.) without OAuth for PHP.
- Fetch profile data of user
- Fetch medias of user
- Fetch stories of user
- Fetch highlights stories of user
- Fetch detailed post of user
- Fetch feed of followers
- Fetch feed of followings
- Follow or unfollow users
- Like or unlike posts
- Fetch posts of hashtag
- Fetch comments of a post
- Fetch live-streaming info
- Fetch Reels
- Fetch IGTV
- Fetch medias where a user has been tagged on
- Fetch HD profile picture
- Post a message to a media
- NEW: Login with cookies 🎉
- NEW: Fetch connected user timeline 🎉
10- instascrape (Python)
instascrape is a lightweight Python package that provides an expressive and flexible API for scraping Instagram data. It is geared towards being a high-level building block on the data scientist's toolchain and can be seamlessly integrated and extended with industry standard tools for web scraping, data science, and analysis.
- Here are a few of the things that
does well: - Powerful, object-oriented scraping tools for profiles, posts, hashtags, reels, and IGTV
- Scrapes HTML, BeautifulSoup, and JSON
- Download content to your computer as png, jpg, mp4, and mp3
- Dynamically retrieve HTML embed code for posts
- Expressive and consistent API for concise and elegant code
- Designed for seamless integration with Selenium, Pandas, and other industry standard tools for data collection and analysis
- Lightweight; no boilerplate or configurations necessary
- The only hard dependencies are Requests and Beautiful Soup
11- InstagramApi
Tokenless, butthurtless private API for Instagram. Get account information, media, explore tags and user feed without any applications and other crap.
12- Ensta - Simple Instagram API
This package lets you use Instagram's Internal Web API through simple functions and classes. Ensta uses Instagram's Original Web API to scrape data which makes it a reliable choice over other third-party scrapers. This library mainly focuses on Simplicity & Reliability.
13- RESTful API Service
RESTful API Service allows you to use the Instagram Private API on any operating system from any programming language (C++, C#, F#, D, Golang, Erlang, Elixir, Nim, Haskell, Lisp, Closure, Julia, R, Java, Kotlin, Scala, OCaml, JavaScript, Crystal, Ruby, Rust, Swift, Objective-C, Visual Basic, .NET, Pascal, Perl, Lua, PHP and others) to automate the work of your accounts.
- Authorization: Login, support 2FA and manage settings
- Media: info, delete, edit, like, archive and much more else
- Video: download, upload to feed and story
- Photo: download, upload to feed and story
- IGTV: download, upload to feed and story
- Clip (Reels): download, upload to feed and story
- Album: download, upload to feed and story
- Story: info, delete, seen, download and much more else
- User: followers/following, info, follow/unfollow, remove_follower and much more else
- Insights: media, account
14- InstaTouch (JavaScript)

Instagram Scraper enables you to scrape useful data/posts from Instagram users, hashtag and locations pages. Comments and people who liked specific posts and soon more. No login or API keys are required.
- Scrape media posts from username, hashtag, or location
- Scrape comments from a specific Instagram post
- Scrape users who liked specific post
- Scrape followers
- Scrape following
- Download and save media to a ZIP archive
- Create JSON/CSV files with a post information
15- Instagram downloader
A Node.js package for downloading Instagram videos, posts, stories, and more.
16- EasyGramFetch
This is an automated service running on a Virtual Machine that can be used to download all types of Instagram media files and store them in a Discord channel.
17- Instagram Bot
The Instagram Bot is a tool that allows users to automatically repost content from Instagram on their own account. It works by scraping posts from a specified Instagram user or hashtag and then reposting them on a schedule using a cron job. This can save time and effort for users who want to repost content from other accounts without having to manually find and share the posts.
The bot is built using Node.js, a popular JavaScript runtime, and Express, a web framework for Node.js, which allows for easy access to Instagram's data.
- Scrapes posts from a specified Instagram user or hashtag
- Reposts scraped posts on a schedule using a cron job
- Built using Node.js and Express
- Can save time and effort for users who want to repost content from other accounts
- Easy to set up and use
18- Instant Liberation
Want to leave Instagram, or integrate a feed on your website in a GDPR friendly way?
This project offers you a CLI that can download data from Instagram and mirror its contents, even for private profiles.
19- InstaScraper
A JavaScript web scraping CLI tool for Instagram profiles.
20- Instaiva
This is a simple yet powerful Instagram DP downloader.
21- Instagram-Photo-Downloader
This is a simple web app that enables you to download Instagram photos for free.
22- InstaMap
The script scrapes Instagram profile and generates a map.html file using its data (with the help of Instaloader and Folium modules).
Each location from the profile is represented on the map as a clickable marker with a pop-up window including different data from posts at this location (as date, thumbnail image, url, number of likes etc.);
23- Instagram-Scraper
This scraper uses requests_html
which requires python 3.6 or higher runtime.
24- Instagram AI bot

Instabotai is an instagram bot with face detection that uses the undocumented Web API. Instabotai can reupload photo to feed, reupload photo to stories, watch stories, comment, like and DM users if a face is detected on image. Unlike other bots, Instabotai does not require Selenium or a WebDriver. Instead, it interacts with the API over simple HTTP Requests. It runs on most systems.
- Like Users Following Images with AI
- Like Users Followers Images with AI
- Like Hashtag Images AI
- Follow User Followers AI
- Follow User Following AI
- Unfollow non-followers
- Repost Users Images With AI
- Comment Multiple hashtags AI
- Watch Infinity Stories by user
- Like Hashtag Images AI
- Multibot
25- Instagramy
This Python script allows you to scrape Instagram Users Information, Posts data, Hashtags and Locations data. This Package scrapes the user's recent posts with some information like likes, comments, captions and etc. It does not require any external dependencies.
26- Insta Fetcher
This script enables you to fetch Instagram API with full details and simplified JSON metadata.
27- Instagram Scraper
This Instagram scrapper allows you to get Instagram profile from public webpages.