"Can I Drive": Alcohol Blood Rate Android App for Safe Driving

"Can I Drive": Alcohol Blood Rate Android App  for Safe Driving

Can I Drive is a free open-source Android application allows you to track your recent alcohol consumption, to assess if you can drive or not.

The app does not collect, share, or send your data to any third-party, it also does not include any external scripts that may harm the user's privacy.

What is shown to you:

  • A clear status (OK, OK but not sober, NO GO)
  • Your estimated blood rate
  • Time when you can drive again
  • Time when you get sober again (0.0 g/L)

    Computation takes into account:
  • Weight
  • Sex
  • Rough health indication
  • Driver legal status (country, young driver, professional)
  • Drinks (how much alcohol and when)

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The project is released as an open-source under the Apache 2.0 License.


Open-source Apps


Medical Apps




Dev. Resources
