ChadNext: Quickly Build Your Next.js Project with Shadcn UI and Payment Modules
Table of Content
What is ChadNext?
ChadNext is a quick starter template for Next.js projects, offering features like Next.js 14 App router, Shadcn UI, LuciaAuth, Prisma, Server Actions, Stripe, and Internationalization.

Streamline Rapid Development
It aims to streamline development, allowing for rapid prototyping, easy authentication, database interaction, and efficient deployment, ultimately enhancing developer experience and productivity.
- API routes, File uploading and more in Next.js App dir.
- App dir, Routing, Layouts, API routes, Server Components, Server actions.
- UI components built using Radix UI and styled with Tailwind CSS.
- Using Postgres with Prisma ORM, hosted on Vercel Postgres.
- Authentication and Authorization using LuciaAuth v3.
- Upload and preview files effortlessly with UploadThing.
- Create emails using React Email and Send with Resend.
- Internationalization support with type-safe Next-International.
- Receive and process payments with Stripe.
- Production and Preview deployments with Vercel.
Included Libraries and Tech
- Next.js 14 App router
- LuciaAuth
- Prisma
- Server Actions
- Stripe
- Internationalization
- MIT License