FastCP: Dashboard and Control Panel For Ubuntu Servers

FastCP is a modern, fast, and secure control panel to run multiple PHP websites on an Ubuntu server.

FastCP: Dashboard and Control Panel For Ubuntu Servers

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FastCP is an open-source control panel that has been designed specifically for Ubuntu servers. The control panel is highly efficient and enables you to deploy and manage multiple PHP/WordPress websites with ease on a single server. It is an excellent alternative to other control panels available in the market as it offers simplicity and powerful features that are similar to ServerPilot.

The development of FastCP was taken up as a final project of the CS50 online course. As an open-source project, anyone can access and use it. FastCP is continuously being updated and improved by developers worldwide, making it reliable, secure, and easy to use.

In addition to its simplicity, FastCP has a range of powerful features to offer. Some of these include:

  • The ability to easily create and manage multiple websites on a single server: FastCP is an excellent choice for those who want to manage multiple websites on a single server without any technical difficulties.
  • A simple and intuitive interface for managing your server and websites: The control panel has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to manage and monitor your websites and server.
  • Built-in support for PHP and WordPress: FastCP has built-in support for PHP and WordPress, making it convenient for users to install and manage these applications with ease.
  • Automatic SSL certificate installation and management: FastCP offers automatic SSL certificate installation and management, which is essential for website security.


  • Host multiple websites on a single server
  • Create multiple SSH users
  • Sub users can manage their websites
  • Limit on websites and databases for sub users
  • Auto WordPress deploy
  • Fully isolated user data using ACLs
  • NGINX reverse proxy on Apache for performance + htaccess support
  • Multiple PHP versions support. Change PHP version per website with a single click
  • Auto SSLs from Let's Encrypt with auto-renewal
  • Supports Multiple PHP Versions
  • Built-in file manager
  • Uses SFTP


FastCP only supports the latest LTS versions of Ubuntu starting 20.04. Please beware, although it will run on non-LTS releases too, but we have imposed a strict requirement of LTS releases only. At the moment, FastCP supports the following Ubuntu releases:

  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS


GitHub - rehmatworks/fastcp: FastCP is a modern, fast, and secure control panel to run multiple PHP websites on an Ubuntu server.
FastCP is a modern, fast, and secure control panel to run multiple PHP websites on an Ubuntu server. - GitHub - rehmatworks/fastcp: FastCP is a modern, fast, and secure control panel to run multipl…
FastCP - A free & modern control panel for Ubuntu 20.04 and up
Host PHP websites easily and securely on cloud Ubuntu servers using FastCP control panel.

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