Geeks Life: The Ultimate Task and Todo-list Manager for Hackers

Geeks Life: The Ultimate Task and Todo-list Manager for Hackers

Geek-life is a command line task manager designed for developers, DevOps, and sysadmins. It offers keyboard shortcuts for faster navigation and supports Markdown for a familiar editing experience.


  • For ninjas - do things faster with keyboard shortcuts
  • Markdown lovers, feel at 🏠! You'll see markdown everywhere.
  • Full featured (almost) - Projects, Tasks, due-dates, task notes...
  • A <4MB app that takes <1% CPU and ~7MB memory 1 - how much lighter you can think?
  • Task note editor with markdown syntax highlighting2
  • Full mouse support


  • Create Project
  • Delete Project
  • Edit Project
  • Create Task (under project)
  • Set Task due date (yyyy-mm-dd) with shortcut
  • Set Task due date with quick input buttons (today, +1 day, -1 day)
  • Update Task Title
  • Tasklist items indicate status (done, pending, overdue) using colors
  • Export Tasks (Copy title, dueDate, and description to clipboard as Markdown)
  • Pin Tasks
  • Shortcut for Adding new Project and Task
  • Global shortcuts for jumping to Projects or Tasks panel anytime
  • Cleanup all completed tasks of project
  • Task note editor syntax highlighting (markdown) and line numbers
  • Status bar for common shortcuts
  • Status bar displays success/error message of actions
  • Status bar may display quick tips based on focused element
  • Dynamic lists
    • Today - Due Today and overdue
    • Tomorrow
    • Upcoming - Due in the next 7 days
    • Unscheduled - tasks without due date


  • macOS
  • Windows
  • Linux


  • Go


MIT License

Resources & Downloads

GitHub - ajaxray/geek-life: The Todo List / Task Manager for Geeks in command line
The Todo List / Task Manager for Geeks in command line - ajaxray/geek-life

Open-source Apps


Medical Apps




Dev. Resources
