Mergen: macOS Audit and Security Check Tool (Free program)

Mergen is an open-source, native macOS application for auditing and checking the security of your Mac. It scans your system for security issues based on the Center for Internet Security (CIS) Benchmark, and checks various settings and configurations related to security and privacy.


  1. Check Gatekeeper Status
  2. Check Secure Kernel Extension Loading
  3. Guest Login Status Check
  4. iCloud Drive Status Check
  5. Check If SSH Is Enabled
  6. Check Firewall Status
  7. Check FileVault Status
  8. Check All Apple-Provided Software Is Updated In Last 30 Days
  9. Check Auto Update Is Enabled
  10. Check 'Install Application Updates from the App Store' Is Enabled
  11. Check Install Security Responses and System Files Is Enabled
  12. Check 'Install system data files and security updates' Is Enabled
  13. Check Firewall Stealth Mode Is Enabled
  14. Check AirDrop Is Disabled
  15. Check AirPlay Receiver Is Disabled
  16. Check 'Set Time and Date Automatically' Is Enabled
  17. Check Time Is Set Within Appropriate Limits
  18. Check DVD or CD Sharing Is Disabled
  19. Check Screen Sharing Is Disabled
  20. Check File Sharing Is Disabled
  21. Check Printer Sharing Is Disabled
  22. Check Remote Login Is Disabled
  23. Check Remote Management(ARDagent) Is Disabled
  24. Check Remote Apple Events Is Disabled
  25. Check Internet Sharing Is Disabled
  26. Check Content Caching Is Disabled
  27. Check Media Sharing Is Disabled
  28. Check Bluetooth Sharing Is Disabled
  29. Check Backup Automatically is Enabled If Time Machine Is Enabled
  30. Check that Time Machine is Enabled
  31. Check Time Machine Volumes Are Encrypted If Time Machine Is Enabled
  32. Check Show Wi-Fi status in Menu Bar Is Enabled
  33. Check Show Bluetooth Status in Menu Bar Is Enabled
  34. Check Location Services Is Enabled
  35. Check Location Services Is in the Menu Bar
  36. Check Personalized Ads Status
  37. Check Screen Saver Corners Are Secure
  38. Check Universal Control is Disabled
  39. Check Wake for Network Access is Disabled
  40. Check an Inactivity Interval of 20 Minutes or Less for the Screen Saver Is Enabled
  41. Check a Password is Required to Wake the Computer from Sleep or Screen Saver
  42. Check Security Auditing Is Enabled
  43. Check System Integrity Protection (SIP) Status
  44. Check XProtect Status
  45. Check Certificate Trust Settings
  46. Check Siri Status
  47. Check Sending Diagnostic and Usage Data to Apple Status
  48. Check Java 6 Default Runtime Status
  49. Check EFI Version is Valid and Regularly Checked
  50. Check Bonjour Advertising Service Status
  51. Check HTTP Server Status
  52. Check NFS Server Status
  53. Check 'Show Password Hints' Status
  54. Check 'Allow guests to connect to shared folders' Status
  55. Check Filename Extension Status
  56. Check Automatic Run of Safe Files in Safari
  57. Check Safari Disable Internet Plugins for Global Use
  58. Check Fast User Switching Status

More Features

  1. Reporting
  2. Export Reports to HTML
  3. Export Reports to JSON


  • MIT License
  • Copyright (c) [2023] [Samet Sazak]


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MIT license





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