Top Odoo ERP/CRM based HIS, EMR, EHR modules. Odoo as a hospital management system

Since Odoo released a marketplace for it's apps including community developed apps extensions and modules, healthcare and medical sections start getting regular newcomers of apps and extensions as EMR / HIS and LIMS

Top Odoo ERP/CRM  based  HIS, EMR, EHR modules. Odoo as a hospital management system

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Table of Content

What is Odoo ERP

 Odoo ERP is a free open source ERP/ CRM solution released first time at 2005, as a complete suite to manage the basic business processes.

Odoo has been improving it's features and modules for the last 13 years to maintain its customers updated.

The current stable release is 12.0 which released about 2 months ago, with new improvements including security updates, performance update.

Odoo is providing a cloud base platform as SaaS for companies, also it provides an enterprise edition of Odoo as well as the open source community edition which is supported and used all over the globe by over than 3 million users world wide.


Platforms : Server = Browser * ( Windows, Mac OSX and Linux ) , iPhone, Android

Odoo is a server installed and browser based solution, As it has a responsive design to fit and work with different screen resolutions and devices, it has also very powerful supportive iOS / Android implementation with successful stories for many customers and developers.

Odoo ERP core features and modules:

  • Accounting

Odoo accounting module is one of the key features that is integrated with other modules smoothly like eCommerce, CRM, PoS " Point of Sales " , Sales.

  • Project Management

 Odoo project management tools includes timesheet, ticketing system which is integrated with other process modules smoothly as sales, CRM.

  • Inventory Management Module

Odoo Inventory makes it easy for manufactures , shipping companies and warehouses to keep track of their stocks which is also integrated very well with other modules

What makes Odoo suitable In healthcare:

  • Steady and Stable
  • Community powered
  • Developer friendly
  • Apps marketplace
  • Healthcare specific modules

Benefits of using Odoo as a development platform for Healthcare ERP/ CRM based apps

 Well, that can be summarized in 3 core features :

1- Community support: which is very large with experienced users and developers. The community is the basic ground to find developers and experienced Odoo specialists.

2- Long stand in the market: As it has been kicking for 13 years and gaining more clients' day by day.

3- Developer friendly with hundreds of tutorials alongside rich documentation.

Odoo tools for developers:

  Odoo team has provided developers by easy tools to develop their apps on top of Odoo including Studio and, alongside very powerful documentation aiming to guide developers not just to produce production-ready apps / modules but to help them integrate their currently used system within Odoo or even use Odoo ERP as a backend for their distributed mobile CRM/ ERP-based apps.

Odoo impact in healthcare:

 Odoo has been around for about 13 years, as it grows it gains more popularity among enterprise grade open-source ERP solutions.

Decision makers in different healthcare facilities even small healthcare related business so as small clinics start adopting it, and it also starts being marketed by small companies and freelancers.

Since Odoo released a marketplace for its apps including community developed apps extensions and modules, healthcare and medical sections start getting regular newcomers of apps and extensions as EMR / HIS and LIMS solutions based on Odoo. Almost all of those apps are built by developers from Odoo community and released as third part apps.

Odoo EMR/ EHR/ and HIS Apps

1- oeHealth All In One - HIS :

 oeHealth is full features HIS module built as third-party app on top of Odoo, It has HR management extension to the Odoo HR module, Inpatient management, surgery management, lab management, Appointment schedule, medical records and medical imaging extensions.  

2- Odoo 11 Hospital Management  - HIS :

 Odoo 11 Hospital Management is another third-party app developed to fulfil the need of hospitals and medical centres, It built a complete set of apps as Inpatient management, ward management and such with full integration with  current Odoo modules available in the Odoo community edition

  • Price : 150.00 €
  • Odoo version 11.0
  • Site

3- Hospital Management System HIS :

 Another Odoo third-party app built to manage hospitals and streamline all the operation inside the hospital, unlike the other previous apps this app is released to work with Odoo 12.0 which is the latest version of Odoo so far. It provides complete patient management system including medical records, Doctors management, Appointment and hospitalization management, Lab management, accounting and billing with full integration with Odoo modules, website management.  

Hospital Management System HIS - Odoo ERP third party module

This app comes with 2 version as basic version which has the necessary features to run hospital and a premium version which has more customizable extensions and features such as custom extension as : Dentist Management, Physiotherapy Management, Gynecology and Obstetric  Management, Pediatric Management.

4- Hospitalization Odoo third party app

 The hospitalization module is a third-party app brought to you by the same developer as the pervious mentioned app " Hospital Management System HIS ", this module focuses on patient hospitalization process since including ward management, beds management, Checklist management, Nurse care management, Admission Discharge Process, Indoor patient followup, Discharge Invoice & Summary and Report.

5- oeHealth

The developer has released 2 versions of oeHealth they look very similar yet but the oeHealth all in one suite manages and streamline the hospitals' operation including inpatient management and ward management.

  • Price : 150.00 €
  • Odoo version : 11.0
  • Website

Note : oeHealth HIS/ EHR systems and apps have received many request for translations requests as (they released Spanish translation)  and it gained quite a popularity and users in different country, They have got many sales on their app sets.

Odoo Installation

 The easiest way to install Odoo is to use BITNAMI Odoo Stack which utilise the power of containers and virtual machines  to automate the installation process and ease the pain of building, configuration and operating systems' compatibility. Available here. However, for business setup Odoo installation and configuration process requires experts and those are easy to come by from your local Odoo community either they are a company or a freelancer


 When buying a third-party app on Odoo, It's not about the app itself but about how much is this app integrated with the basic Odoo modules as accounting, billing, invoicing etc. Its also about the power Odoo provide and choices of other apps free/ paid in its marketplace. The apps are fairly easy to install and use, but most importantly the app developers are responsive and keep updating their apps regularly with new features required by their current customers and to match the current usable version of Odoo.

Open-source Apps


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