AFFiNE.PRO Is an Open-source Self-hosted Knowledge Base and Notion.AI Alternative

AFFiNE.PRO Is an Open-source Self-hosted Knowledge Base and Notion.AI Alternative
Photo by Wexor Tmg / Unsplash

Notion is an exceptional online platform for collaborative note-taking and knowledge sharing among individuals, teams, and organizations. With Notion, you can effortlessly organize your notes, write comprehensive articles, and create data sets in a variety of views, including tables, kanbans, and database-like dynamic views. Furthermore, Notion enables you to create your own personal websites, resumes, and portfolios with ease.

AFFiNE.PRO: The Open Source Notion Alternative

AFFiNE.PRO is a fantastic open-source, self-hosted solution that offers many of the same features as Notion. In addition to table and kanban views for storing data, it also provides offline-first support, complete markdown support, and other amazing features. Furthermore, installing it on a local machine or server using Docker is a breeze.

You can try it first-hand on its demo without registration here.


  • Hyper merged — Write, draw and plan all at once. Assemble any blocks you love on any canvas you like to enjoy seamless transitions between workflows with AFFiNE.
  • Privacy focussed — AFFiNE is built with your privacy in mind and is one of our key concerns. We want you to keep control of your data, allowing you to store it as you like, where you like while still being able to freely edit and view your data on-demand.
  • Offline-first - With your privacy in mind we also decided to go offline-first. This means that AFFiNE can be used offline, whether you want to view or edit, with support for conflict-free merging when you are back online.
  • Clean, intuitive design — With AFFiNE you can concentrate on editing with a clean and modern interface. Which is responsive, so it looks great on tablets too, and mobile support is coming in the future.
  • Modern Block Editor with Markdown support — A modern block editor can help you not only for docs, but slides and tables as well. When you write in AFFiNE you can use Markdown syntax which helps create an easier editing experience, that can be experienced with just a keyboard. And this allows you to export your data cleanly into Markdown.
  • Collaboration — Whether you want to collaborate with yourself across multiple devices, or work together with others, support for collaboration and multiplayer is out-of-the-box, which makes it easy for teams to get started with AFFiNE.
  • Choice of multiple languages — Thanks to community contributions AFFiNE offers support for multiple languages. If you don't find your language or would like to suggest some changes we welcome your contributions.


The app is built using cutting edge technologies that include:

  • BlockSuite - 💠 BlockSuite is the open-source collaborative editor project behind AFFiNE.
  • OctoBase - 🐙 OctoBase is the open-source database behind AFFiNE, local-first, yet collaborative. A light-weight, scalable, data engine written in Rust.
  • Yjs & Yrs - Fundamental support of CRDTs for our implementation on state management and data sync.
  • Next.js - The React Framework.
  • React - View layer support and web GUI framework.
  • Rust - High performance language that extends the ability and availability of our real-time backend, OctoBase.
  • Jotai - Primitive and flexible state management for React.
  • MUI - Our most used graphic UI component library.


The app is an open-source solution that is released under the Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL-2.0).


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