
WhatWeb is a Next Generation Extensible Web Scanner for Pentesting with Aggression

Vulnerability Scanner

WhatWeb is a Next Generation Extensible Web Scanner for Pentesting with Aggression

WhatWeb identifies websites. Its goal is to answer the question, "What is that Website?". WhatWeb recognises web technologies including content management systems (CMS), blogging platforms, statistic/analytics packages, JavaScript libraries, web servers, and embedded devices. WhatWeb has over 1800 plugins, each to recognise something different. WhatWeb also identifies

By Hazem Abbas
Defend Your Inbox: Harness the Power of a Free and Open-Source Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy Server


Defend Your Inbox: Harness the Power of a Free and Open-Source Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy Server

The Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy Server is a highly capable open-source platform-independent SMTP Proxy server that implements a wide range of advanced spam filters. These include auto-whitelists, self-learning Hidden-Markov-Model and/or Bayesian filters, Greylisting, DNSBL, DNSWL, URIBL, SPF, SRS, Backscatter prevention, Virus scanning, attachment blocking, Senderbase integration, and much more. You

By Hazem Abbas