
Defend Your Inbox: Harness the Power of a Free and Open-Source Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy Server


Defend Your Inbox: Harness the Power of a Free and Open-Source Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy Server

The Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy Server is a highly capable open-source platform-independent SMTP Proxy server that implements a wide range of advanced spam filters. These include auto-whitelists, self-learning Hidden-Markov-Model and/or Bayesian filters, Greylisting, DNSBL, DNSWL, URIBL, SPF, SRS, Backscatter prevention, Virus scanning, attachment blocking, Senderbase integration, and much more. You

By Hazem Abbas
Hypernomicon is an open-source Philosophy Personal Database Software for Researchers


Hypernomicon is an open-source Philosophy Personal Database Software for Researchers

Hypernomicon is an exceptional personal productivity/database application specifically designed for researchers. It combines various features such as structured note-taking, mind-mapping, file and folder management (including PDFs), and reference management. All of these functions are seamlessly integrated into a unified environment, allowing you to organize your work in terms of

By Hazem Abbas