Developer Tools

How to install Docker and Docker Compose on Windows, Linux, and macOS (2024)


How to install Docker and Docker Compose on Windows, Linux, and macOS (2024)

What is Docker? Docker is an exceptional open-source platform that empowers you to effortlessly automate the deployment and management of applications through containerization. What Docker Containers? Containers, which are incredibly lightweight and portable units, encapsulate all the essential dependencies and configurations required to execute an application. Docker offers a seamless

By Hazem Abbas
ChatLayout is an Open-source Free Alternative to MessageKit For Building Rich Messaging Apps


ChatLayout is an Open-source Free Alternative to MessageKit For Building Rich Messaging Apps

ChatLayout, a robust alternative to MessageKit, offers extensive customization for a tailored chat interface. It provides access to all UICollectionView tools, supports dynamic cells and supplementary view sizes for flexibility, ensuring a user-friendly chat experience. MessageKit is a Swift-based UI framework for building chat applications. It provides a customizable and

By Hazem Abbas