Top 26 FREE & Open Source EMR - EHR for Windows, Linux and Mac OSX

Nowadays, EMRs are no longer considered a luxury. The hospitals and clinics with low budgets in rural or remote areas shall not fear any monetary requirements.

Top 26 FREE & Open Source EMR - EHR for Windows, Linux and Mac OSX

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 Nowadays, EMRs are no longer considered a luxury. The hospitals and clinics with low budgets in rural or remote areas shall not fear any monetary requirements. We have today completely FREE and open source EMRs which are as good as commercial ones .The following is a list of the best EMRs - EHRs, and they are listed in no particular order:

What about Open-source Free Hospital Information Systems (HIS)?

 There is a huge difference between HIS and EMR, regarding the features, implementation and outcome. We have covered the most active and usable free and open source (FOSS) Hospital Information Systems in this article : Top 10 Open source HIS - Hospital Information systems

If you are looking for self-hosted PHP-based EMR/ EHR solutions,  We recommend reading this list.

Open-source EMR, EHR and HIS solutions

1- HospitalRun

HospitalRun is an offline-first EMR for The Developing Countries. We wrote a review about it here   Platform : Windows, Linux Mac OSX

2- OpenMRS


OpenMRS is an EMR platform to improve healthcare delivery in low-resource environments.  

Platform: Windows, Linux Mac OSX.

3- Bahmni: Hospital System For Low Resource Settings

Bahmni EMR is an open source solution aimed for supporting health-care services in rural area. It has been built over open source standards and runs on CentOS Linux which is an enterprise-grade community supported stable and powerful Linux Distribution.  

4- FreeMED

FreeMed src:

FreeMED is an open source EMR and practice management system which has been developed since 1999.  

5- OpenEMR


OpenEMR is a Free and Open Source EHR and medical practice management system. It is ONC Certified with international usage. OpenEMR's goal is to be a superior alternative to its proprietary counterparts. OpenEMR is an ONC certified with international usage.  Read full review here  

OpenEMR Website

6- Cottage Med

Cottage Med: EMR designed by physicians for physicians. CottageMed has electronic medical records manager, prescription manager, accounting manager, templates manager. It has been around since 1997.

7- GNUmed

GnuMed src:

GNUmed is HIS and an EMR developed by a handful of medical doctors and programmers from all over the world.  

8- OpenClinic

OpenClinic: is an open source EMR designed for private clinics, surgeries and private doctors.

OpenClinic src: SourceForge 

9- OpenEyes

OpenEyes: EMR application for ophthalmology.  

OpenEyes is an electronic patient record application for ophthamology, developed with contributions from a range of hospitals, institutions, academic departments, companies and individuals.

10- WorldVistA


WorldVistA: was formed to extend and collaboratively improve the VistA electronic health record and health information system for use outside of its original setting. The system was originally developed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for use in its veterans hospitals, outpatient clinics, and nursing homes.

11- OpenMAXIMS

 OpenMAXIMS: A full Patient Administration System designed for the NHS.

12- Open Hospital

Open Hospital HIS/ EMR

  Open Hospital: Hospital Information System and EMR has been implemented in several countries.

13- GNU Health

GNU Health Calendar

GNU Health: Free/Libre Health and Hospital information system. GnuHealth was based on Tryton ERP. It works on Linux and  has clients for Windows, Mac OSX and Windows.

14- FreeMedForms

FreeMedForms src: softpedia 

FreeMedForms: french EMR that can be used to manage medical records of different medical specialties, paramedical specialties or even veterinary professionals.   Website.


ZEPRS: The Zambia Electronic Perinatal Record System (ZEPRS) is an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system used by public obstetric clinics and a hospital (the University Teaching Hospital) in Lusaka, Zambia to improve patient care.  

16- SMART Pediatric Growth Chart

SMART Pediatric Growth Chart: The purpose of this app is to manage and display statistical data for the patients in a few different ways. There are three ways of representing the data – as charts, as table and the so-called Parental View, which is intended for the parents of the child, or for people that does not have in-depth medical knowledge.

The project is built with NodeJS, and can work on any remote servers.

17- LibreHealth EHR

LibreHealth EHR

LibreHealth EHR:  a clinically focused electronic health record (EHR) system designed to be both easy to use “out of the box” and also customizable for use in a variety of health care settings.



THIRRA: Portable System for Telehealth and Health Informatics in Rural & Remote Areas.  

19- EHR EHR: contributors are physicians, pharmacists, computer scientists, free software developers and health students.  

20- MedinTux

MedinTux: french medical record management software suite whose main objective is to adapt to its users.  

21- DoliMed EMR: ERP-based EMR

DoliMed EMR demo

DoliMed EMR : ERP based EMR with usable extensions in settings.Read more ,Works for Linux, Windows and Mac OSX.

22- NOSH EMR: Free, Open source Health Charting System


NOSH (New Open Source Health) ChartingSystem is a free open source charting system and electronic medical record. It was developed by doctor Michael Chen, MD. So NOSH EMR is a result of an extreme end-user experience with different sort and settings of EMR and professional in-practice who realizes what's missing in the practice with the currently used systems.

23- ERPNext  as an EMR and HIS

SmartHIS: ERPNext-based HIS

ERPNext is a free open source ERP solution, comes with benefits of developer ready platform to build apps and extensions over it. Currently it has EMR modules ready to be used with ERPNext as a cloud enterprise service or self-hosed service.

24- Odoo ERP/ CRM - EMR Modules

Odoo is an ERP and CRM solution, begin used for over than 10 years by companies  all over the world, It has many EMR modules released in it's App Marketplace

25- Chikista: open source Clinic management and EMR


Chikista is an open source self-hosted EMR solution built for to manage clinics and small hospitals, It has set of extensions and the developers are providing support and custom development.

26- Ispirithalaya HIS (Hospital Information System)


Ispirithalaya open source HIS (Hospital Information System) Ispirithalaya system has e channeling, checking, lab test, reservation. It is written by Zend PHP framework and MySQL db. doctors and patients can log the system and chat. It has payment gateway integration.

 Most of the EMR solutions listed here don't provide the capability of file sharing and file transfer so if you need a free, open source, and self-hosted cloud file storage and sharing for healthcare practice you may check the list we have written here.

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